Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Soccer Playoffs

Jorja got sent in the hall during Chinese today. The first time her teacher has ever sent someone in the hall. Jorja said it was the first time she has talked in Chinese. (She doesn't feel super comfortable around some of the other Chinese kids. Weird because they have been in the same class since 2nd grade. Jorja was so shy back then and she feels trapped with how she used to be when she is in that class.) Anyway, Jorja asked someone why there was so many bagels. Mrs. Peng got super mad and sent Jorja into the hall. Jorja asked her after class why she sent her out. Mrs. Peng told her that she "was too happy". Only three more class periods of Chinese. Jorja's grade did drop from an A to a B- after today. Let's hope Jorja can pull that up because it would be so annoying to lose her 4.0 because she was too happy one day.

Alta soccer had a playoff game during school. Jorja was so excited to miss school for this. Stockton did not think that was a good idea. He did have lots to do in his Engineering class. Jorja missed seminary, lunch and English. She had the best time. 
Heather & Jorja
 Raychel, Abbey, Jorja, Heather
Alta was down 3-1 against Skyline at one point. They ended up winning 3-4. They play for the state title on Thursday. Alta won state in soccer last year, so that's pretty cool.
Raychel, Jorja, Abbey, Heather
Jorja, Madison and I hurried down to Chick-Fil-A after school to drop off Jorja's paperwork. The kid there said she was supposed to bring it to orientation on Thursday. Hope that's right. I took the girls to Walmart to pick up pictures for Jorja's scrapbook. It took FOREVER to get someone back to help us. We went to Zupas and then home. Jorja also had trek dance practice today. She seems to be having fun with that. Talon is her partner. He is tall, so she has a hard time when they are back to back and she is supposed to kick her legs while on his back. Anyway, I'm glad she gets to do the dance. She likes it.

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