Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Empty Schedule

Jorja and Preston had a dentist appointment this morning. This will be their last appointment together, perhaps forever. I try to schedule Jorja on Tuesdays because of late start. Next year Preston will be in middle school and late start will be on Friday. No cavities for both of them. Jorja doesn't need her wisdom teeth out yet. All is well.

I went inside when I checked Preston into school. I had to take a picture of this poster. Mrs. Mickelsen. We LOVE her! Preston's 4th grade teacher. She is awesome. Mrs. Chung, Preston's Chinese 4th grade teacher, was Teacher of the Year last year. He had a great 4th grade year. He liked this year too, but he is SOOOOO ready to be done with elementary school.
Some of the schedules for next year started to be released. Jorja texted me and asked if I could find out her schedule. This is what was up for Jorja. Haha.
Her schedule was posted by the end of the day. One of her classes had to be dropped because of student government. What class was dropped? MATH. Hahahahaha! We can start messing with their schedules on Friday. Guess I'll be doing that.

Jorja had her second day of training at Chick-Fil-A. She was trained on cleaning. Most of the time she was cleaning tables, except it was very slow. Not many people were there today, which didn't giver her many tables to clean. I picked her up after work and drove her to the district testing center. She needed to take her final for Geography. That is her online class. Over the weekend she realized that if she doesn't finish the class by May 31, all of her work will be deleted and she will need to start over. Jorja ended up scoring a 70 on the test. That would give her a B+. She can take the test twice a day, so we will need to come back again. Another thing Jorja didn't understand. She thought all she needed to get was the bare minimum and she would get a P. She didn't realize it was a letter grade. I have no idea why she thought that. Maybe because that was how PE was when she tested out of it. She was not happy to find out this information.

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