Monday, May 28, 2018

First Day at Chick-Fil-A

I tried Uber for the first time today. Stockton and I needed to get to the airport. I was worried the driver wouldn't show up. The guy at the desk assured me that wouldn't happen. He also told me to do the ride share Uber economy choice. I made Stockton get up extra early because I was still worried. We got up at 4:15, after three hours of sleep. I ordered the Uber and was surprised that we needed to walk a few blocks to be picked up. Stockton and I headed out with our suitcases in the dark. As we were waiting to cross a busy road a lady stopped and asked if we needed help. I told her we ordered an Uber and needed to cross the street because he was going to be there in one minute. Once we crossed the street I got an alert on my phone that my Uber had been cancelled. What? This is what I was worried about and what the concierge assured me wouldn't happen. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know if we would be sent walking a few more blocks away if I ordered again. While I was trying to figure it out, the same lady that talked to us before pulled up. She asked if our driver cancelled. She said she saw a car turn and was worried we would be stranded. She was also an Uber driver. When we told her we were going to the airport, she said that if we ordered an Uber X she would take us there. That was about twice the price, but at this point I just wanted to get to the airport. It was about $50. I was trying to figure out the app when she said, or if you have $20 cash I'll take you right now. Thank heavens I had the cash! As we were driving she asked me to go in my settings to see if I was charged a cancellation fee. I was. $6. Unbelievable! The driver cancelled the ride and said it was our fault. She helped me figure out how to contest the price. Uber gave me a $6 credit. Really? Like I am going to be trying this again any time soon! Anyway, Stockton and I made it home without any more incidents. Yay! It's so good to be home.

Meanwhile. Mike started taking care of the tree that fell down. This is what it looks like now.
Jorja needed special shoes for her Chick-Fil-A job. We took the kids to Payless. Jorja got job shoes. Preston got church shoes and Stockton got tennis shoes. All were needed. Jorja had her first day at Chick-Fil-A today. It was a training day. She was trained on the registers. She said it is quite confusing. She is still pretty excited though.
 Stockton trying to photobomb Jorja's picture.
Matt and Sam wanted to borrow quilting frames to make a quilt for their new baby girl. Her name is going to be Amy Kay. Anne convinced Jorja to dress up like a superhero with them while she was there. Adorable.
Anne, Jorja, Jeff

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