Sunday, May 27, 2018

Random Beach

We went with Brett and his family to 11:00 church. My family has 9:00 church this year. We were at church at the same time. Mike sent this picture.
Jorja, Preston, Maysen
Brett and Rachel checked out of their hotel room before church, so afterwords we hung out in our room. We played games and MadLibs. Boy did Marie and Mina love the MadLibs. The sun came out for a bit, so we decided to go see the ocean. Stockton was at the ocean for a bit yesterday, but I had not been there yet. I don't know what the name of this beach is, but it was so nice for the girls to get out of the hotel and run for a bit!
Stockton (Grace & Mina)
 Stockton (Mina, Grace and Marie)
 Stockton and Stephanie
 I'm squinting in every picture that was taken today. Can you tell it was super windy?
 Stephanie & Rachel (Grace, Maire, Mina)
 (Marie, Mina) Stephanie & Brett
 Mina, Grace, Marie
 Brett, Grace, Mina, Marie
 Grace, Mina, Marie, Rachel, Brett, Eve
Listen to that ocean!
Rachel and Brett
 Rachel & Brett (Grace)
 Grace & Marie
 Grace, Marie, Mina
 Mina, Grace, Marie, Eve
 Mina, Marie, Eve, Grace
 Look at Eve's face! I love it!
 Mina, Marie, Eve, Brett, Grace
 Grace, Brett & Eve
 Mina, Grace, Marie
 Eve, Grace, Brett
Brett and Rachel dropped Stockton and I off at the hotel and headed home. They figured it would be easier not to get the girls out of the car. I agreed!
Marie & Stephanie
The only problem was . . . Rachel came and picked up the box she had brought up to our room. Unbeknownst to her, Brett had put his church clothes in our closet. We found them about the time they were arriving home . . . three hours away.
Stockton with Brett's clothes
 Rachel thought she had packed Brett's church clothes. This is what she packed instead.
Hahahahaha! I laughed so hard when I saw that picture! One more picture to end the day with. Mike sent me a picture of Jorja finishing up some homework. She looks cozy.
Dani, Noelle and Gavin came and hung out in our room. I worked on my blog until midnight. It took forever to upload the videos from the hotel. Gavin left about midnight. I think Dani and Noelle left at one in the morning. Stockton and I are getting up at 4:15. We will be T-I-R-E-D tomorrow!

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