Thursday, May 31, 2018

Stockton's Seminary Graduation

Stockton had his math final today. At the beginning on the semester they were told they had to take the final during 3rd and 4th period, no exceptions. Stockton's math class is 6th period. His engineering classes are 3rd & 4th. He had an Engineering Certification test he was supposed to take at the same time. He will have to make that up tomorrow after school. Ugh. So close to being finished!

Maysen and I walked over to Brother Rich's house today. Brother Rich was the first counselor in the Draper Utah Temple presidency awhile ago. Bishop Waddoups likes to have people have temple prep lessons with him. How awesome is that? Brother Rich lives one street away. I walked with Maysen and then came home. She was there for about an hour.

Jorja had her ballroom swing test today. They were assigned partners and had to choreograph their own routine. The boy Jorja was partnered with didn't want to do that. He wanted to just wing it. That didn't end well. Jorja was worried about it, so she talked to her teacher to see if she could redo it after school with a different partner. Her teacher assured her she was fine. When the last group was going, Jorja asked if she could be a backup dancer. Her teacher said yes as long as she didn't get in the video. A boy named Zane said he wanted to dance with her. So, they made up their own dance to the Happy song. Madison recorded it. It was funny. I love Jorja. She always makes me laugh.

Jorja came home with the school newspaper. Exciting! Evan was also in it for being a Hawk Hero, but I forgot to take a picture of that. Evan is awesome. He's my favorite.
School paper
Jorja went and took her geography final again. She only got a 75%, which gives her an A- in the class. She isn't going to submit her final because then she will have to take the bus. She is planning on retaking this class in the summer. I think this time she will take it more seriously.

Jorja had a student government party. She wasn't sure if she wanted to go. She has a biology final and a math final tomorrow. In the end, she decided she would regret it if she didn't go for a little while. We were getting in the car and I asked for the address. It was at one of the kids' houses, so I assumed it would be close by. It was in Herriman! That is 30 minutes away! I dropped Jorja off and she was able to get Kenzie to give her a ride home. This is the only picture Jorja took there.
Jorja & Travin
Stockton had seminary graduation tonight. I was hurrying to get home in time. I called Stockton and told him he would need to meet us at the stake center. We would be there, but there was no way we could get home until 6:00. Mike and I both got to our house at the same time. I saw him running up the walk right as I pulled in. Stockton called before we left. No one was there. It took awhile, but we found out the time was actually 7:00. Annoying because in the bulletin it was listed as 6:00. We had Stockton come home and Mike made him us hamburgers before we headed out again.
I like how they do seminary graduation by stakes now. When Mike and I graduated, it was the entire school. Which made it almost as big as high school graduation. We even had to have a seminary graduation practice. I remember they had one ward come up and show how you were supposed to grab the diploma with your left hand and shake with your right. They chose our ward to do that. I thought it was super funny because Phil Leatherwood was our bishop and he doesn't really have a right hand. So, the one group they had practice actually couldn't do it that way. Anyway, I forgot to take a picture, but luckily I caught Stockton in his church clothes a few days later.
Stockton stayed up pretty late writing an essay for the Smith family scholarship that was due tonight. He also helped Jorja with her math. She is having a cumulative final tomorrow and is really worried. Mike helped Jorja a lot too. She feels pretty confident about her biology final. One more day. All the super hard stuff will be over in one more day. Sooooooo clooooooose.........

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