Friday, June 1, 2018

Senior Dinner Dance

Jorja had two finals she was really worried about today. They would basically determine her grade. She studied hard. The first final was in biology. She has had a B+ in that class for awhile. Her teacher still needed to put in their grades from when she dissected a pig, her book she made and one other thing. Anyway, Jorja scored more than 100% on her biology final. She also was one of the few people to turn in the dissection write-up online. Her teacher gave all those kids extra credit. She went from a B+ to an A. She now has 107% in biology. Nicely done Porge!
I checked Jorja out so I could take her to the eye doctor. She has been complaining about her eyes for awhile. The doctor recommended that she use daily contacts, at least for a little while. The other contacts have been irritating her eyes. I'm not sure what the cost difference is on that. Hopefully we can be able to swing it. Her prescription got worse as well. Her eyes are now different, so she will need to make sure she puts the correct contact in each eye. Jorja and I went to Zupas before I brought her back to school. She wanted to do a little more studying for her math final. She said it went well. I hope so. That grade isn't in yet, so hopefully her A will stand.

Maysen walked over to Brother Rich's house and met with him for about an hour for temple prep. She said she learned more in that lesson than she ever had before. Nice.

Today was the first day we could mess with the kids schedules. Stockton had to stay after school to take a CAD certification test. He passed. Mike picked up Jorja from school and took her to Chick-Fil-A. She changed into her clothes in the car, much to Mike's dismay. The window for changing classes opened at 3:00. I was on it the second I could. I was able to get all the classes she wanted. She now has a math class. Her seminary class is now where her Chinese class might move to, depending on if she passes the AP Chinese class. At least if she does, her schedule won't get messed up. Whew! I'm relieved.

Madison applied to Chick-Fil-A today. She dropped off her application as Jorja was getting off work. They asked if she would like an interview right then. Nice! Madison's mom took both of the girls back to Madison's house. Jorja would love it if she got a job there too. Jorja didn't get scheduled for next week. Kind of weird. She is so stinking busy during June with three camps. (Girls camp, Leadership camp, Trek) This next week she has nothing. Hopefully they don't schedule her during something we really don't want her to miss.

Stockton had Senior Dinner Dance today. He bought his ticket almost a month ago. Stockton has never been to a school dance. This dance is a stag dance, and only for seniors. He asked his friend, Nate, weeks ago if he wanted to go with him. So, today Stockton texted him about what time to leave. Nate ended up texting that he thought they should just meet there. Stockton was disappointed. I felt so bad for him. Mike and I convinced Stockton to go anyway. He was nervous because he thought everyone would be in a big group. We told him he could come home if he wasn't having a good time. His plan was to go to the dinner and leave right after. Too bad the ticket didn't have any information on when things were planned. We were pretty sure the dinner was first though.
The second Stockton was out the door, I was on my knees praying. I remember reading a talk by Sister Nielson where, well actually I'll just put large snippets of the talk below.

One of our hymns teaches us that "angels above us are silent notes taking" of each one of our actions. I'm sure that is true. And when we keep our covenants, they are doing so much more. The Prophet Joseph Smith declared that if we "live up to [our] privilege," the angels will not be able to be restrained from being our associates. Our "privilege" includes our covenants. Our covenants are a privilege. Therefore, as we live up to our covenants, the angels will not be able to be restrained from being our associates. We could also say it this way: As we keep our covenants, we can ask for angels to help us. Literally!

It was during Elder Jeffrey R. Holland's April 2010 general conference address that I first learned this truth. Elder Holland was giving counsel on how to guard against temptation. The one question I most needed to have answered at that time in my life, and which I took to that general conference, was not related to that subject, but part of Elder Holland's prescription for success was exactly what I needed to hear. He said "Ask for angels to help you." He said it with such clarity, and yet he said it in a manner that implied this was something we all knew! But for me, it was an entirely new principle. I wanted to call out, "Wait! Wait! What? You mean I could have been asking for angels to help me all this time?" Without intending to sound too dramatic, I can say with all candor that Elder Holland's six words changed my life: "Ask for angels to help you." That counsel changed my prayers. It changed my understanding of the very real help from heaven that is always available to us as we keep our covenants. I started to ask for assistance from those on the other side of the veil from that moment on! Now, I'm not talking about praying to fantasy angels with wings to magically fairy-dust our problems away. I'm not talking about praying to angels. I'm talking about praying to our Heavenly, in the name of Jesus Christ, for those on the other side to be "dispatched" (Elder Holland's word) to assist us. Perhaps a departed loved one could be sent to help you with whatever you need.

......President Joseph F. Smith declared: "When messengers are sent to minister to the inhabitants of this earth, they are not strangers, but from the ranks of our kindred [and] friends . . . In like manner, our fathers and mothers, brothers, sisters, and friends who have passed away from this earth, having been faithful, and worthy to enjoy these rights and privileges, may have a mission given them to visit their relatives and friends upon the earth again, bringing from the divine Presence messages of love, of warning, of reproof and instruction to those whom they had learned to love in the flesh."

Anyway, with this thought in my mind, as soon as Stockton was out the door I was on my knees. I prayed to Heavenly Father that Stockton would feel peace, that he would have a great time, that he would feel like he belonged. I prayed that my mom would be with him and help him through any anxious moments. I prayed that tonight he would make good memories.

Mike, Maysen, Preston and I were downstairs playing Starfarers of Catan when we got this text from Stockton.
 Shortly after, Bryce Johnson sent us these next two pictures.
(Bryce and Becky had to chaperone)
Stockton ended up staying for the entire thing. He had a great time. He said he was so nervous going down there. He sat in his jeep for awhile and watched other people going inside. Finally he thought, "I trust myself" and he went inside alone. He saw some Maggie (I think), who was another sterling scholar, and she invited Stockton to sit at their table. He met new people. He stayed for the dance and had a great night. I'm so proud of him. I'm proud he was brave enough to go into an uncomfortable situation. I'm proud that his fellow peers think so highly of him. I'm thankful that my mom might have been there with him. I know she loves him. She would be so proud of who he is today.

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