Saturday, June 2, 2018

Abby's Baptism

Abby was baptized this morning! I convinced everyone to leave ten minutes early in case there was traffic. I didn't think there would be on a Saturday morning. Well, we should have left 30 minutes early. The traffic was awful! Sam called it 'eclipse traffic'. I was not happy about this. We were texting Bubs to let him know what was going on. We made it with seconds to spare. My family, Matt & Sam, and my dad pulled up at the same time. We rushed into the church minutes before Abby went to the font area. Probably even closer to that. Bubs said he did some first class stalling. I was so grateful!
Abby was baptized with one of her friends named Maylee. Her family has been good friends to Bubs and his family. Maylee's mom grew up in our ward. President Back is her dad. It was fun to see them at the baptism. They were lucky and got off at 90000 S right as the traffic was backing up. Too bad we didn't do that! I didn't get a picture of Bubs and Abby before the baptism, but my dad snapped this one. It will have to do.
Scott, Maylee, Abby, Bubs
 Back Grandson, President Back, Mona
Stockton and my dad were witnesses to Abby's baptism. How cool is that? This is the first time Stockton has done something like this. Bubs said for awhile Abby was thinking about having Stockton baptize her. Lincoln wasn't old enough. Haha! Lincoln and Ella both gave great talks after the baptism. I am so thankful that they waited for us! It was a perfect day.
Bubs, Abby, Mike
 Bubs & Abbs
 Abby, Stephanie & Stockton
 These pictures are pretty much the same except Lincoln's photobombing face cracks me up.
Jorja, Stockton, Lincoln, Stephanie & Abby, Maysen, Mike, Preston (Amelia)
 Stockton & Abby
 Abigail Angela
Mike did a lot of yardwork today. We have some overgrown bushes in our backyard. Mike hates them. I have given him free reign in the backyard. First thing he said was, "Those bushes are coming out!
 It is pretty tight to walk through.
 Poor bush
Jorja spent some time weeding with Ebony at Sister Lyon's house. Then they hung out here for the rest of the day. I talked to Ebony for a long time. I think Jorja was getting pretty annoyed with me. Isn't that what mom's are for?

Stockton went to the temple with his friends. I'm not sure of the exact group, but I know that Gavin, his sister Zoe, Dani and Noelle were there. Stockton did baptisms for the first time. I wasn't there to see it. Boo. I'm glad he did it though. He said it was surprisingly easy. He was a witness for the first time and preformed a baptism for the first time, all in the same day. After the temple, the kids went to the Pepperwood pool. I told Stockton I might come up and watch them dive. Gavin said if I came he was sure his mom would love to come up with his sisters. I called and she came. I brought Preston with me. Shannon (Gavin's mom) talked to me about how much they are going to miss Stockton and how good of an influence he has been on Gavin. She mentioned how shocked she was that Gavin chose to go to the temple with his friends. I told her that it was Stockton's first time baptizing. Zoe overheard and gasped, "He baptized me first! I was his first baptism!" How cool is that! I texted Shannon and asked her to send a picture of Zoe. This is the one she sent.
Stockton's friends came over here after the pool. Gage came up too. He had been at a wedding. They played games. Did dares. Gage had to jump into the pool fully dressed. Made brownies. The kids all seemed to have a great time. I'm glad Stockton has found a good group of friends.

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