Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Aimee's Wedding

Mike took the day off because Aimee is getting married today! Her wedding isn't until the afternoon, so he had time to play this morning. Mike and Preston set up the movie screen the kids got him for Father's Day. They wanted to see how big it is. Wow. It is quite big. That should be fun watching movie while the kids swim! Hopefully we can figure that out.
Mike & Preston
Mike and I went to the Salt Lake Temple this afternoon. It is so nice to be around family in the temple. It feels like we haven't seen the Hodson's in a long time! Still wish they lived five minutes away from us. Aimee and JJ are officially married. His name is actually John Jerome, but he goes by JJ. Jorja goes by JJ sometimes too. Anyway, the wedding was beautiful and the weather was perfect.
Aimee & JJ
 Nova, Aimee, Stephanie
During the giant family/friends picture, Mike and I each stood on one of those side pillars. In one we were reaching out our hands subtly, giving high fives. I hope those turned out fun, and not awkward. Haha!
 Scoop, Cori, Elizabeth, Frank, Nathan, Lisa, Aimee, JJ, Taylor, Michael, Melissa & Leo, Derek & Nova
Meanwhile, Jorja was having fun up in Logan. She sent me her schedule for the day. It was fun knowing what she was doing at different times.
 I asked Jorja to send me pictures of Josh and Carter. She sent me one of them together.
 This was from Josh. Jorja is in the middle.
Jorja sent me the next pictures around midnight. She was so tired by that time, but they were still up having fun. She was with the other girls in their dorm when she sent me these. Looks like she is having a great time.
Jorja & Bode
 Sophomore class officers. Missing: Joe ~ secretary
Carson ~ Vice President, Marshall ~ Historian, Jorja ~ President
Bode ~ Public Relations, Shafer ~ Senator
 Jorja & Shafer
 Lexi, Jorja, Traven
Aimee's reception was beautiful. It was at Heritage Gardens. We arrived about an hour before it was over. We waited for Stockton to get home from diving. Preston was sad that the eclairs were gone by the time we arrived. We got there right as Sherry, Matt and Miah did. It was fun to hang out with them tonight. Aimee had her line outside. Lisa looked beautiful too, but I didn't get a picture of her. Michael sang with his ukulele. It was great.
Back of Aimee's dress
 Front of Aimee's dress
 Maysen meeting JJ
 Aimee & JJ
Matt called shortly after this. I took his family to the airport. When Matt asked me to do that weeks ago, I said yes. I thought their flight left at 11:00 am, plenty of time with the afternoon wedding. Whoops. It was pm. Matt and Sam were nice enough to drive to the reception so I could stay as long as possible. Matt called when they arrived. Miah walked me out and took the keys back to Mike. (I had left my drivers license in our car.) Matt and Sam are taking a red eye to Florida with three little kids. Good luck to them! I hope they sleep the entire flight! They are going to see Brett and Rachel. John and Cassie are already there. Wish I could come too. If we had all the money in the world, I'm sure I could have pulled it off. Sadly, that is not the case. :)

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