Monday, June 18, 2018


Jorja left for Leadership Camp early this morning. She is pretty excited. The camp will be at Utah State. Kids in student government from different schools all along the valley will be there. She is worried that she won't get a roommate. She thinks there are an odd number of girls from Alta going, and Jorja is the only sophomore girl. I asked her if she could choose anyone, who is she hoping to get assigned to. She thought about it and then said Aysha. Turns out, she got Aysha! Yay! Anyway, early this morning we picked up Josh Bingham on the way. While driving to Alta, I asked Jorja to send me pictures throughout the week. That was met with grumbling. I asked Josh, will you send me pictures of Jorja? He agreed, and he did! I got a couple of pictures from him each day. I loved it!
Josh & Jorja
 Carter & Jorja
Stockton coached diving this morning. He was about to leave when all of a sudden it began hailing like crazy! It was so loud! It lasted for about ten minutes then it was a bright beautiful day. Scared some of the kids off. The first class only one kid showed up, twenty minutes late. The next class had a three kids. Stockton was excited to work with Aiden again. Yesterday, Aiden's mom sent me a text. This is what it said, "Hi Steph! Just wanted to let you know and pass on to Stockton that Aidan has really liked him coaching dive. He said he is really good at explaining what you have to do physically (like tightening specific muscles) when he's trying to learn a new dive and not just telling him to do it. He's super excited about the things he's been able to learn the last few days." Awesome!
 It's hard to get a picture to show rain.
Apparently Mike bought ducks. Preston is excited about this. I'm wondering why we need ducks. Mike did get Preston outside to help him build a duck house. Anything that gets that kid away from the computer for a bit is great.
Preston, Stockton, Mike
 Mike & Preston
 Preston & Mike
Every school is assigned a color for the Spirit Bowl. Alta was assigned blue this year. Alta isn't allowed to have a Spirit Bowl anymore. They were sued a couple of years ago. One of the Junior class officers made a giant banner. She was told they couldn't use it because the other grades didn't have a banner. She put it under the bleachers. Some kids found it and brought it out. They passed it up the bleachers and dropped it over the top. It landed on someone and cracked his skull. Now Alta isn't allowed to have this weeklong activity. The district won't let them. I guess this was the fourth time Alta was sued over something happening during the Spirit Bowl. One time the principal was fired. Right before Maysen got to Alta. Alta's school colors are black & silver with red accents. Each grade was assigned a color to dress in. Black, silver or white, and red. Someone dressed in white with a hood. Someone complained that it looked like the Klu-Klux-Klan. I don't think that was what was intended at all. The media found out about it and blew up the story. As a result, the principal was fired for letting this happen. It was crazy, and sad.

Anyway, Jorja seemed to have a great time. They planned a lot today. She texted me and said Sweethearts is on Evan's birthday this year. She has been planning on asking him to Sweethearts for almost a year now. She was hoping he would be 16 by then. She's excited that he barely makes it. She also told me that they aren't doing the Charity Bash this year. That is a girls' choice semi formal dance in November. Instead they are doing a girls' choice Halloween dance the day after Jorja's birthday. That sounds like a lot more fun. We had a Halloween dance my senior year. Mike and I were caveman. It was so fun!
Traven, Jorja, Carter
 Shafer, Marshall, Carson, ???, Abby, ???,???, ???, ???, Darby, ???, Josh, Traven, Carter
???, Bode, ???, ???, ???, Aysha, Baylor, Cade
Jorja, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???

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