Sunday, June 10, 2018


Today I got mad. Really mad. Really, really, really mad. I saw a message on Jorja's phone about kissing someone at the Pepperwood party. I couldn't believe it. I asked her point blank if she kissed anyone and she said no. I showed Mike the messages. He ended up talking to her on the way to church. Once we were in sacrament meeting he told me he talked to her. She told him that Caleb just kissed her and she was upset about it. Well, that makes two of us. I was steaming mad I could barely stand it. It was practically torture sitting through church. I was so angry. Jorja didn't come home after church. I realized that she probably had presidency meeting, which is where she was. When she came home I asked her if she wanted to talk about this upstairs or in her room. She sat at the kitchen and we had a L-O-N-G discussion. I even yelled at her a few times. I don't think that has ever happened before. I remember yelling, "You LIED to me!" She didn't think she lied because she didn't kiss Caleb, he kissed her. She knew what I was asking when I asked her if she kissed anyone. Don't split hairs with me. According to Jorja this is what happened. She was talking with Hailey and some other people when Caleb yelled for her to come over. She walked over to him and talked to him for awhile. All of the sudden he reached out, grabbed her head and kissed her. She pushed him away as soon as she could. He just laughed and walked away. I know it is a big deal to see how many people you can kiss at the party. I had been very clear that she shouldn't play that game. Boys had come up to both her and Hailey and asked if they could kiss them. They would say no and everything would be fine. Caleb skipped the asking step. I am not mad at Jorja that this happened, but I'm furious that she didn't tell me. I was even there! It would have been so easy to let me know! She said she was worried I would be mad at her. Are you kidding? Doesn't she remember how mad I was when this situation happened to one of her cousins? I wasn't mad at the cousin at all, but super mad at the perpetrators. Ugggg. Boys are the worst! Except Stockton. He's awesome. Mike and Preston are too. I just don't like any other boy in existence that has their eye on Jorja. Come back in five years! Until then, just be her friend! I'm sorry if I expect 100% honesty, but I do. I can't help it. I can't stand being lied to. 

In happier news, my dad came up to make Stockton a milkshake for graduating high school. Whenever my dad comes over Stockton says, "Milkshake" at some point. He also brought Stockton a card that Stockton thought was really funny.

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