Saturday, June 9, 2018


Where I found Preston.
 Maysen was wide awake. No surprise there.
 Mike continued his war on trees.
 He also found an Easter egg hidden over seven years ago.
A dog somehow found her way into our backyard. The tag said Nala. She lives at the same house Malone lived at. She was a lot more well behaved than Malone. Mike, Maysen and Preston had fun playing with her.
Maysen, Mike, Preston
Mike had been frustrated because some of the fountain pieces would sometimes be scattered around the yard. Looks like we found the culprit.
Nala drinking from the fountain.
 Preston loved playing fetch with her.
I was a little worried she would ruin our pool cover every time she got on it.
Meanwhile, Jorja was at Hailey's house. Hailey was planning on an outdoor movie party tonight. Jorja went over early to help her set up. She texted Mike to ask for help and beanbags. Turns out, the cord they were using to hook the laptop to the projector was bad. Mike asked if they had a different one. Solved the problem.
Jorja & Hailey
 Jorja waiting for me to finish talking to Hailey's mom.
Mike and I went home. Hailey's mom and the girls went to pick up Julian. Three days in a row with that kid. Oh boy. They watched Sixth Sense. Drew came. I'm not sure who else did. Jorja had a lot of fun.

Stockton played Mario Kart with Maysen and Preston for a long time. That made them both really happy. Stockton got a nasty bite on his foot a few days ago. This happened at the Pepperwood pool. He thinks it was ants, but that just looks weird.

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