Friday, June 8, 2018


Today was the first official day of our summer break! Yay! I spent it wisely. Doing laundry. It was so frustrating though. For some reason, our circuit breaker kept going off. It took forever to get the laundry finished when I kept having to walk to the side of the house to flip the switch. We have come to the conclusion that the dryer and the air conditioner can't be run at the same time. I don't like that conclusion.

Mike came home from work and started attacking this poor tree. It looks like a mouth is going to eat Mike, but have no fear, Mike conquered.
Mike and tree mouth.
I ordered eye drops at the Walmart that was near our house. They were supposed to be in after 3:00 today. I went and waited, only to find out that they were never actually ordered. I asked if they had the drops at another Walmart. She started looking on the computer and told me they had them in Salt Lake. When I asked if there was any closer, she said, "Oh! I'll check." Really? Why wouldn't you check the close Walmarts first? Weird. I was told they were at the Quarry Bend Walmart. So, that is where I headed next. It was so annoying because I couldn't turn left on the road I needed to, so I had to go way out of my way to get to the store. In nasty traffic. Once there, I looked everywhere for the eye section. I finally found it, but the drops weren't there. I waited in line to ask where they were. The lady looked and couldn't find them either. She asked someone else who pointed to a giant display that was around the corner from the eye section. Haha!
Stockton went up to the neighborhood pool and helped Gavin coach diving. He's excited because Gavin asked him if he could coach while he is on various camps. Stockton added up how much he would earn and was very happy with the results. This was the last time diving was in the afternoon. Next week it will go to morning. He came home with his diving friends. They went to Gavin's house and played games. Jorja went bowling with Hallie, Jaren and Julian. The three kids she went with had never met each other, they just each knew Jorja. When I picked them up, they were all joking around like they were best pals. That's great. Jaren has struggled making friends since his move to California.  Sometimes it is easier to meet and bond with people in non-school settings. Anyway, both Stockton and Jorja were tired when they got home. This made Maysen and Preston a bit disappointed. Tonight is stay up all night-night. Stockton and Jorja didn't want to participate this year. Maysen and Preston played games by themselves. They were planning to play every Mario Party board, which they anticipated lasting all night. I don't know if Maysen and Preston are still going to try. At least the two of them have a lot of fun together.

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