Thursday, June 7, 2018


Today was officially the last day of school. It was also Preston's last day of elementary school . . . ever. No more elementary school for my family. I can't believe it. That's so sad. Preston was not amused that I wanted to take pictures to document this occasion.
 There he goes!
Preston's last walk around the school.
We all went to see his promotion ceremony. We decided to stand in the back, we could see better that way. The entire fifth grade sang a song together. Mike and the kids were dancing in the back. It was so dang cute! Preston kept laughing at them.
Maysen, Stockton, Mike, Jorja
In these next two pictures the kids are holding up signs of what they want to be when they grow up. Preston was having a little bit of problem with his paper. Haha! You can't see what is on his sign. He is next to the dentist. His says 'programmer'.
Preston was on the end in the front. He snuck down during the other skits to be with us. Then we snuck out the back door while the show was still going on. What are they going to do? Keep him from graduating elementary school?
Stockton & Preston
 Mike, Jorja, Stockton, Preston, Maysen
 Stephanie & Preston, Stockton trying to sneak back for the photobomb
 Sure love this boy!
 Preston & Mike
 Good-bye Lone Peak!
 What a beautiful setting.
I thought Preston would want to go somewhere to celebrate, especially since he wasn't able to come to Stockton's graduation celebration. Nope. He just wanted to go home. Well, that was easy. Mike headed to work, the rest of us came home. I took Jorja to a dermatologist appointment. Stockton went to diving. Preston isn't going to dive this summer. Jorja, Hailey and Julian all hung out downstairs. Ping pong, fooseball and a movie. They watched World War Z. I watched the end with Jorja and Julian, after Hailey had to go home. I had no idea what was going on. Then I sat on the couch while Jorja and Julian played Uno. Jorja didn't like that. She said, "Are you just going to sit there mom?" Yep. That is exactly what I'm going to do. Do you want me to go into detail about why I'm not leaving you alone downstairs with a boy? Do you really want me to go there? If you think I'm embarrassing you now, do you really want me to answer why I am sitting here? Anyway, Julian's dad came and picked him up right before midnight. I was so tired!

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