Saturday, July 28, 2018


The ducks love to be together. This one couldn't figure out how to get out of the duck fence.
No worries! His friends came back for him!
Jorja worked 8 1/2 hours today. She still managed to find time to go to the store with Hailey before work. I'm glad she enjoys her job. I bought Maysen a temple dress today. It is really beautiful. I was worried we wouldn't be able to find one to fit her tiny body, but we did. It was even her favorite one. We got her an extra, extra small petite. It is still a little long, but if she wears shoes with higher soles it is just right. The cashier asked if this was her first temple dress. When I said yes, she said that there is a discount for buying things for the first time. A 50% discount! Her temple dress ended up costing around $30. Yay! Later today Maysen went swimming with Melissa Yauney. I think they had fun floating around the pool. This is our only picture.
Melissa & Maysen
I wasn't there when Melissa was over because I went to the airport to pick up Stockton! Yay! Yay! Yay! I am so glad he is home! Nate had a cousin who lives in Arizona, so his cousin took them around today. They visited Nate's aunt and tried out her giant sewing machine. So glad Stockton is home. I'm glad they found things to do today so they weren't bored out of their minds. I'm glad he had this adventure with Gavin. He has had a busy summer!
 Almost home!
After we dropped Nate and Gavin off we went to Chick-Fil-A and waited about ten minutes until Jorja was off work. She was so happy to see him! It is nice to have my family back together again. I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts!

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