Sunday, July 29, 2018

Eric Byrnes

Jorja wanted to go to a mission farewell for one of her friends. She wanted Stockton to go with her. It was the same time as our church. Stockton was presented to the ward to get the Melchizedek Priesthood. He also blessed the sacrament today. I tried to pay special attention to him because I didn't know if this would be the last time I would ever hear him do that. As soon as the sacrament was over he took Jorja to Noah's farewell. It happened to be in Gavin's ward, so that was a bonus.
Noah & Jorja
I wanted to go see Eric at the Bees game on Monday, but I started too worry they wouldn't let my broken bat through security. Peggy texted me to let me know Eric would be in town. I thought that was nice! We found out he would be at Lumpy's tonight. Lumpy's is a bar in Sugarhouse. I decided I would go meet him at the bar. He was supposed to be there at 6:00, so we got there right at the beginning. He was running behind schedule because, well, he was on a BIKE! I guess they ended up getting eight flat tires today. Long story short, we were able to get the bat signed! I also met Morgan Mullin. She is also related to Eric. She drew out the family tree and wanted me to draw out my side. Hers is much more detailed than mine. Eric and I are second cousins. Morgan and I are second cousins once removed. Anyway, she was super nice and I enjoyed getting to know her.
Stephanie in front of Eric's van
 Eric & bat
 Eric & Stephanie
It was funny, Eric's wife Tara saw us with the broken bat. She gasped and said, "Did Eric do that?" We happily replied yes. She said, "I can get you another one, I'm sure I have one somewhere." Haha. No, he broke it a LONG time ago.

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