Friday, July 20, 2018

Jump Rock on the Snake

Today was an early day. We were supposed to meet Steve and Sharon at their cabin this morning. We realized that we couldn't drive the motorhome there. We were worried about being able to turn around. Mike hooked up a trailer to a 4-wheeler and loaded it with a mattress and bean bags. We had about four kids ride that way. I failed at getting a picture on the way there. We spent the day on the river. This was Preston's and Gage's first time white water rafting. Preston wasn't sure he wanted to come, but Stockton convinced him to come this morning. Preston LOVED it! He didn't complain once. Mike had him wear the GoPro and he took that job seriously. The second run down he had full control of it. It was great. These next pictures are from the GoPro. We stopped at Jump Rock and the divers had a great time! They had to change their dives. First, they are diving in a life vest, so spinning is different. Second, they have to go in feet first. Third, and this is one I told Steve and Sharon after they saw Connor do a back dive extremely close to the rocks, they are trained to dive close to the board. They had to adjust and do their dives as they were jumping out, not up. Steve mentioned many times how much fun he had at Jump Rock. The boats would float by and see the kids up there. They would yell, "Do a flip!" or sometimes they would count down. The divers were waiting for Steve and Sharon to give them the signal that the rope was ready. Then when they finally dove the boats would be stunned. It was really funny. I might have these labeled wrong, so Stockton will have to tell me what to fix when he gets home. I will do my best though. There are so many videos!
This is how you have to climb up to jump rock. I hate it. It is scarier than jumping!
Stockton double
Gavin backflip
Stockton reverse
This is now the second run, but still filmed with the GoPro. Mike convinced me to put my phone in a waterproof pouch he had bought awhile ago so I could take some pictures. I was a bit nervous, but it worked great. My phone stayed bone dry. When Preston looks back you can see the paddlers in the boat. It looks ridiculous because it looks like I am on my phone in the middle of this grand adventure. I promise I was just taking pictures! It was hard to do through the plastic.
There are some big rapids, but most of the trip is like this. It is great.
Big Kahuna ~ this video does not do this rapid justice!
I wish Preston or I would have videoed going through the Ropes. It seemed bigger than Kahuna or Lunch Counter. It was crazy! And fun! Okay, now to pictures from my phone. The kids had a chance to eat lunch and rest during the two runs. The motorhome was great for this.
Dani, Connor, Stockton
Gavin, Preston
 Mike walking to the river for the second run. I was practicing taking pictures with the plastic on.
I don't really have an order for the pictures. There was too many and I just wanted to get them up here. I was impressed that they turned out so well considering there was plastic over the lens!
Gage, Preston, Gavin
 Steve & Mike
 Gage, Preston, Gavin
 With Noelle and Dani
 Stockton on the stick ~ he is guiding the boat at this moment
 Preston is in ready position.
I was not a paddler. My job was to relay Sharon's instructions in the hope that the paddlers in front will understand what is needed to be done. I was not just yelling for no reason. Like Mike said, "I have one job. It might be stupid but I'm going to do it." That was a Galaxy Quest or Spaceballs quote. I'm not sure.
I think this is Big Kahuna ~ Preston's videos are much better!

I think this is Lunch Counter
I had one percent on my battery, but it took videos for a long time. The divers decided to do just one jump. Well, they couldn't stop themselves, they were having such a great time. It was a lot of fun watching them. It was also warmer this time too. That made a huge difference! Also, another funny thing. Noelle and Connor loved to say, "I boys!" in this sing song voice to ever boat that passed. One boat was confused and said, "Did they just say 'hi boys?'" I think the boat was full of girls. We also found a paddle on the way down. Sharon would ask the different boats if they lost a paddle when we were stopped at Jump Rock. Preston was the one who found the correct boat. Good eyes Preston!
Gavin back double with a boat counting . . . up?
Gavin double half twist
Gavin back double
Stockton back double
Gage front flip
Gage back flip
Stockton double
Connor backflip
Connor front flip half twist
Gavin backflip
Stockton back double half twist
Dani full twist
Noelle full twist
Preston, Gavin, Stockton, Dani, Noelle, Connor, Gage
 Preston, Stockton, Dani, Noelle, Gavin, Connor, Gage
What a fun day! We parked the motorhome back at the cabin and took the 4 wheelers to Steve and Sharon's cabin. Stockton is the only one riding the mattress this time! Still, I'm glad I have Mike's invention documented.
Gage, Dani, Gavin
Steve and Sharon took Mike and I to Alpine Market. We got pizzas. Steve and Sharon came over and ate with us. They brought salad and ice-cream. They also had a cool Snake River rafting crashes video. The kids watched it on the projector downstairs. That was fun. Steve and Sharon are going rafting with a new group tomorrow, they took a group down yesterday. I can't believe how much time they spend letting people have this great experience. And all for free. For us, it costs them a ton! So very kind of them. Mike and I got Maysen and Preston tucked into bed. (Maysen stayed at the cabin and worked on her writing. She had no interest in being on the river.) Stockton and his friends watched a movie. I think it was Hutch. Not sure though. I don't know what time they got to bed, but we didn't need to get up early so yay!

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