Saturday, July 21, 2018

Stockton Crepe

Apparently Jorja and Madison made Stockton as a crepe for breakfast.
The final product.
Mike made a breakfast feast for everyone here. Today was a nice lazy day. We just played around. Stockton and his friends took the Fun Island we got from Lisa and Nathan to the lake.
Mike took Terry's sailboat out to see how the kids were doing. Preston loved that. He loves it when the big kids include him. They are good to him.
 Stockton, Gavin, Connor, Noelle, Dani, Gage's elbow
 Mike towed the Fun Island out a little farther.
He also towed them back when they were finished. I think they enjoyed it. It was tiring for them to carry the island back up to the cabin though. Later they took the 4 wheelers to Big Rock and the Springs. I tried to get these pictures off of Instagram, well . . . . not the best, but at least it's something.
Connor, Noelle, Dani, Gavin, Gage, Stockton
 Connor, Gavin, Stockton, Gage
Mike and I went back to Alpine Market to get stuff for hamburgers. We ran into Sharon there and convinced them to come over for dinner. That was fun to see them. Too bad they bought the lodge or this would happen much more often. Too bad for us anyway, I think they have really enjoyed it. One thing I didn't write about yesterday was I made spaghetti. Well, Mike had the noodles boiling when we found out we needed to drive down to Sheep Gulch earlier than expected. So, while Mike was driving the motorhome from West Table to Sheep Gulch I was trying to keep the boiling water from not spilling. It was quite the feat!

Meanwhile in Jorja land, I have no idea what was going on, but she sent me this video in a text.
Okay. . . that was . . . interesting. Jorja and Madison both work at Chick-Fil-A. They both had to work at 3:00. How convenient! Jorja had to work longer than Madison, but her parents were so nice to drive down there again, pick her up and let her stay at their house. She's been having a blast.

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