Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Dinner. Hard Mode.

I got Mike up super early because I wanted a good spot to see the glaciers. We didn't know what time that would happen. They told us it could be at two different times. Either entering the fjord at 5:30 in the morning or not. The captain was going to make that decision at the last moment. The problem was we had no idea of knowing which one. I wake up early anyway, so I convinced Mike to come up on deck with me. We went in our pajamas and I had my blanket. We found some chairs and I went back and got the kids while Mike slept. They were zonked, so it took them a bit to get ready. We ended up leaving our claimed chairs and going to breakfast. Jorja scored a table by the window. We were able to enjoy our breakfast and see the glaciers in the warm comfort of the dining area with a perfect view.
Iceburgs in the morning.
 Jorja & Maysen, Stephanie, Stockton, Preston
 Maysen, Jorja, Stephanie, Stockton, Preston
 The only problem with this plan was our pictures were taken behind glass. Oh well.
The rest of the day was a day at sea. We met up with the kids for the escape room puzzle. That was a lot of fun. It wasn't like a real escape room, but there were puzzles to solve and we had 45 minutes to crack the case. Stockton figured out the math/sudoku one pretty quick. He was the first one to get it right. I think Preston was the first one to get the number crossword puzzle right too. Jorja figured out the origami fingerprint one super fast as well. We got tripped up on the movement of the people puzzle. We were thinking too hard about it. We figured out that clue last, but it had a major piece in it. That tripped us up because it looked like the answer was too easy. I think it is just because that was the last piece it shouted the answer to us. If we had figured out that one first I don't think that would have been the case. We were one of eight groups to get the correct answer. The room was pretty packed, so that was great. The Covingtons were there as well. They actually were the first team to get the right answer. We were talking to the Covingtons after and found out that there were some Hank Smith presentations today. We had no idea. The itinerary given before we left said we were just meeting for dinner at 6:00. They had to change some things once we got on board because the rooms that they were set up in weren't going to work for the presentations. I guess they let everyone know about the meeting at the gospel doctrine meeting on Sunday. We were a few nines late, so we missed that announcement. That was too bad.

We did have so much fun as a family today. {Note: I wrote this on the cruise, but added the pictures later. Apparently Muffalo Potato day was today, but I added them yesterday. It will be too big of a pain to change, so I'm just going to type what I wrote and the pictures are the day before....} We even went to the kids area so we could do the Family Muffalo Potato thing. We were the only family to show up. Muffalo Potato is something they show on tv on the ship. John shows how to draw a picture using just letters and numbers. The kids think it is hilarious. We laughed and laughed. Next we played in the arcade and had a fancy lunch in the dining room together. We were laughing so hard during lunch. I love my family

Mike's ear has been hurting him this trip. He has been living on Advil. I'm so glad I grabbed that bottle at the last second. I talked him into going to the doctor on the ship. We went down there, but there was a sign saying that it would be American prices and they take no insurance. We were pretty sure they wouldn't be able to do anything for him anyway. Maybe give him some stronger medicine? We left before we saw the doctor. Mike went back to the room and rested until the ice show. Preston really didn't want to go to the ice show. He has had little sleep this trip. I told him he could miss the show if he took a nap. He thought that was fantastic.

The ice show was great. I sat by Stockton. Mike and the girls sat behind us. One poor guy went to do a fancy spin and ran out of ice. He crashed into the glass and shattered it. I'm so glad he didn't get hurt, or the people sitting on the other side of the glass, I'm glad they didn't get hurt as well. It's amazing the they can put together such a good show on such a small piece of ice. It became obvious why they cancelled the shows during that super rocky day at sea.

Preston was still asleep when we got back to the room. That made me happy. He needed that rest. Jorja curled Maysen's hair and then her own. They looked really pretty. Today was formal night. Our tour group must have also changed the time of dinner because we arrived fifteen minutes early and everyone was already sitting down. We did get a table near them with just our family. We had lobster tonight. Jorja and I tried it. We liked it better than we thought. The butter is the key I think. Mike had the lobster too, but he knows he likes it. Maysen has done such a good job of eating this trip. She has tried something different every night and has finished her plate. Eating is hard for Maysen. She has a hard time with different textures and strong flavors. She told me once, "I really wish I liked food, I just don't."
Stephanie, Stockton, Jorja, Maysen, Preston
 Mike & Jorja
 Maysen & Stockton
Jorja's vlog
Mike & Jorja
 Stockton & Stephanie
 Preston & Maysen
 Maysen & Stockton
 Jorja and Mike with silverware
It wasn't until this picture that I realized she was wearing my grandma's ring. I'm sure she asked. I'm just forgetful and unobservant.
 No idea what is going on in this picture.
 Stockton and Stephanie
 Fancy Stockton
 Preston and Maysen
We went straight from the dining area to the magic show. Jorja wanted to get in front, so we were there an hour early. The time went fast and the show was great. I have no idea how he does all of his illusions, but they are sure fun to watch. That was it for the night. Mike, Jorja and I looked at the photos that had been taken of our family. There are some cute ones. Too bad they are crazy expensive. We took some snapshots of Jorja before we went back to our rooms.
Jorja and Stephanie ~ I convinced Jorja to switch me shoes. Her shoes felt like heaven after wearing mine!
Jorja wanted to hang out in the teen area tonight, but she started panicking before. Not with a panic attack, but she started getting nervous. It was like the first night of the cruise all over again. I walked up with her, but no one was there. Jorja hid around the corner on some chairs while I scouted it out. I found out that they were two floors above in a fancy lounge. That made Jorja more nervous and she decided not to go. She came back to my room and hung out with Mike and I for awhile. All three of the other kids were asleep in her room so she didn't want to go back there. Mike and I fell asleep too though. She said she wished she had gotten ready for bed then she would have just stayed here. I would have liked that! Sleepover with the Porge!

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