Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Ten Thousand Hours

We listened to the last presentations today. People were taking pictures with Hank Smith and Dave Hadlock afterword. Jorja and I waited to get a picture, the rest of the kids left. After the picture I asked Hank Smith if he had any advice for Jorja. She wants to be a public speaker. He talked to her for over twenty minutes. It was great.
Dave Hadlock, Jorja, Hank Smith
 Jorja & Hank Smith
 Jorja being mentored.
1. The number one thing she needs to do to be a public speaker is to get educated. No one wants to listen to a dummy.

2. Listen to who you like. He said he would email her a couple of people he would like her to watch. Gayle Lyn Condie is fantastic and he thinks she is going to be pretty big.

There are three types of big time speakers. The first type are people that are famous. Like Opera or the President of the United States. The second type are people with an incredible story. Like you were born with no arms and no legs. The third type is Hank Smith and the number three thing he told Jorja to do.

3. Have a nitch. Find something that you know about more than anyone else. If you had to talk on something for your entire life, what would it be? Hank Smith's nitch is the gospel and high trust relationships. Make sure you are interested in it because you have to study ALL the time. Pick something and become the best in the business at that thing.

4. One of the things that derails speakers is they don't have good material. He asked Jorja to start soon, or today and make 'JORJA'S SPEAKING LIST'. He wants her to collect 50 things that she could use in a talk. It could be a story, quote, insight, something about her life....I remember the first time I ______. Hank told her he started making his list in 2006. The other day he was driving down the road when he heard a story on the radio that said a guy was so drunk in Texas that when the police found him he had pulled his car over and was giving mouth to mouth to road kill. As soon as Hank Smith heard that story he pulled over and sent a text to himself with a note to add that to his file. He is pretty sure that he can use that in a talk, especially if he is asked to speak to kids about the dangers of alcohol.

5. Take every chance there is to talk. Volunteer in primary. When he was starting out he took everything. He gave a talk in the bishop's kitchen, one talk was to seven scouts on a picnic table. It wasn't because he thought talking to those scouts would give him his big break, but he needed experience. The only reason he can think so quick on his feet is he put the time in. There is a 10,000 hour rule. It takes 10,000 hours to become a master at anything. He wants Jorja to get her 10,000 hours in by the time she is 25. When he was starting he would say yes to things that scared him and other speakers. "I might bomb, but I'd rather bomb here then when my big chance comes - like RootsTech. You will fall on your face, but fall on your face in front of the miamaids and not at Time Out for Women."

6. Hank Smith then told Jorja he wanted her to write a book and then send it to him. Something small like 10 Tips for Teenage Girls or Shy to Student Body President. (She would have to be elected to that if she wanted that title though.) It could be about hair, makeup, smiling, self esteem. He would help her become a published author. Brad Wilcox published a book at 17. John Bytheway published one at 22.

7. Get a social media account based on her speaking persona. Maybe she will only have thirty followers and it will all be her family. Why? Eventually it will pay off. Be willing to be different than everyone else. EXTRAORDINARY PEOPLE DO EXTRAORDINARY THINGS.

8. The biggest thing is DON'T QUIT. There is no short cuts. You got to put in the hard work.

That was it. That was his advice to her. I love it. It was so kind of him to spend so much time talking to her and taking a genuine interest in her. I am so thankful he was willing to interact with her like that.

Today was a day on the ship. We had a nice, relaxing day. Stockton enjoyed his time in the arcade and was thrilled to hold the record on all the Mario Kart levels on one of the machines.
 Maysen ~ this picture looks like it is a fake background. She looks so pretty here.
 Stephanie and Maysen
 Maysen and Mike
Maysen, Stockton and Preston ate at the Wind Jammer. Mike, Jorja and I ate at the fancy main restaurant. We ended up getting seated next to Hank Smith! That was awesome! Jorja got to talk to him all through dinner. Mike was cracking him up. I wish I had thought of having Mike tell him the Wyoming church stories with the "Then Moroni popped up." That would have been great! I loved it when Hank Smith told Jorja that the thing that would derail a public speaking career more than anything is boys. Ha! He said if she got a boyfriend he would go knock on their door and tell them she was off limits. Her agent said so. It was so funny.
We dropped Jorja off at the iceskating place and went to the dancing show with Maysen. We were hanging in the kids room when the phone rang. It was Jorja. She was in our room and wanted us to come. Mike and I hurried over because it was obvious she was upset. We had forgotten to sign the waver, so she couldn't go iceskating with the other teens. Jorja had attempted to make a cat animal as she waited. I thought it was a sting ray.
Jorja's animal
Anyways, I hurried over and signed the waver. She was able to get on the ice for the last ten minutes or so. Mom fail. This was the first night they had opened the rink to the public too. The rink is very small. It looked kind of crazy out there. Jorja was scared to go when I finally got the waver signed because she didn't want to go by herself. Luckily when she went down to get her skates she saw Joy Covington. She had finished skating, but put her shoes back on and went out on the rink with Jorja. I thought that was very, very kind of her.
Jorja & Joy on the left...kind of...
Well, a mom fail on signing the waiver and a mom win on getting Hank Smith to mentor her. I think that balances out.

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