Sunday, August 19, 2018

Eating our Feelings

That's what Jorja and I did today. It's weird only having two kids at home. I was planning on Audrey being at church with us today. That way I could have one more Sunday with a full bench. She is moving back to California tomorrow. She ended up not coming because her parents wanted to spend time with her. Jorja and I taught Relief Society today. It went really well except I didn't leave Jorja with enough time for her part. She got really nervous. She was working on her part of the lesson while I was teaching mine. She came in later than I was expecting then I couldn't get my lesson wrapped up fast enough. I didn't want to cut off anybody. Oh well. We both survived, that is what is important. Then we ate chocolate chips in Jorja's bed. I hope Maysen and Stockton had a great first week of church. I miss them.
Stephanie & Jorja

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