Saturday, August 18, 2018

And Just Like That . . .

Today is my mom's birthday. She would have been 71 years old. I can't even imagine. Matt mentioned that he can't even picture a 71 year old Mom, he didn't know her long enough. That is so sad. This is also the day we said good-bye to Stockton. Maysen and Stockton moved up to Utah State today. I have so many emotions. My heart is happy and sad. I know they need to do this, but I'm so sad that this part of my life is over. I have loved having my kids home with me. I know Stockton's ready, I'm just scared for this new reality. I hope my family always stays as close as it is right now. I love how my kids love each other. I am very happy that Maysen and Stockton will be together. Maysen's going to love having him up there with her. I hope I love the next faze of my life as much as I have loved this one.

Our plan was to leave home around 8:00. At the same time, I was wanting to put this off as long as possible. Stockton and I didn't even start packing his stuff until this morning. It all worked out though. Stockton first played some Webkinz with Preston. Mike was teasing Preston about how he could be playing with his duck on Webkinz. (Preston has been taking that duck everywhere recently.) Stockton and Preston were able to find the duck's code and get him signed in.
Stockton & Preston
 Saying goodbye . . . Jorja, Stockton, Maysen's arm and top of head, Preston with his duck.
 There's Maysen
Jorja was taking her final driver's ed road test today. Ben is taking it with her. He came over and picked her up. They are making cookies at his house to bring to Coach Reed. My dad is then going to drive them/pick them up from their test. Thank you Dad! Ben's parents are taking his sister up to Utah State today too. Jorja and Ben were anxious to take this test. Coach Reed told them that once school starts, Coach Boyer is the only one allowed to do the road tests. We sign the kids up on signup genius to do their road drives. I had been watching for a road test signup for a long time, but nothing worked for us. (Most of them where while we were in Alaska.) Jorja emails Coach Reed and asked if he could fit them in. She promised him chocolate chip cookies. He asked if Saturday at 12:00 would work. That was so nice of him to make time for them. It is also why they are both doing their test while we are taking kids up to college. Luckily my dad was able to be their Uber today. Ben came to pick up Jorja right as we were about to leave. It was great because then he was able to take our picture.
Maysen, Preston, Jorja, Stockton, Stephanie, Mike
 Jorja & Stockton
 Maysen & Jorja
 Stockton & Preston
 Maysen & Preston
We decided to let Maysen and Preston have a car while they are at college. They have an online art class where they will need to go to different events. This might make that easier. They are taking the van up. Maysen drove Mike up to Logan in the van. Stockton drove me up to Logan in the Pilot. Scoop and Cori also came up and helped us move the kids in. Our first stop was Maysen's apartment. She is living in the same room she has lived in the last two years. This year the furniture was rearranged. It was interesting. Maysen is going to try the new way and see how she likes it. It makes the room look bigger, that's for sure. While we were moving in I got this picture from Jorja with a message, "We PASSED!" Yay! Nice to have that done!
Ben & Jorja
Once we got Maysen to a good stopping point, we went to check Stockton into his room. He is living in the LLC which stand for Living Learning Community I think. He is in the Honors housing dorm. There are six or so buildings right next to each other. They had different colors of chalk from the check in building to make it super easy to find your place. I thought that was funny. We were able to find his room quickly. They had his name on his bed when we got there. His roommate wasn't there, but had already moved in.
Stockton checking in
 Stockton's college dorm
 Stockton with his key card
Scoop and Cori were really nice today. They brought up a ton of stuff for the kids. Everything from blankets to toilet paper. They were a big help today. Once we got all of Stockton's stuff moved in we decided to go to dinner at Angie's. Then we went to Walmart to pick up a few things. Mike took Stockton around and I took Maysen. Scoop was pretty tired at this point and Walmart is never fun. He was a good sport. Cori ended up paying for Stockton's things. That was super nice of them. The Walmart was on the way out of town. We loaded up the things in our car and then said goodbye to Scoop and Cori. It was so nice of them to spend so much time and money on us. We were very thankful.
Maysen & Cori 
Not a great picture, but I don't usually see Maysen taller than anyone so I wanted to document it.
 Stockton, Maysen, Scoop, Cori
 Stockton, Maysen, Mike, Stephanie
 We laughed and laughed at Mike's exercise/moving technique. He got everything in one load though.
Maysen's college dorm
 Maysen & Stockton
 I love seeing them together.
 Not the best picture, but Maysen took Stockton around campus to find his classes. I love knowing they are here together.
 Maysen & Stockton
 Stephanie & Mike
 The view right outside Stockton's dorm
 Maysen & Stockton
 Stockton & Stephanie 
 Mike & Stockton
 Stephanie & Stockton ~ one of us is clearly having an easier time than the other
I feel bad that I never got a picture of Stockton with his roommates. We met a few of them. Kyler, his room/roommate was there, he is from Idaho Falls. We also met Kristian. He is from California and is submitting his mission papers on Monday. Justin from Nampa, Idaho who just returned from a mission in Washington and Brett who lived in this dorm last year. Maysen's roommate, Deyki, hasn't come yet. Last semester she moved in after it started, so we'll see.
 Maysen & Stephanie
It was pretty late by the time we left our kids. We are happy and excited for them. Both of them received the Presidential Scholarship, which gives them four years off free tuition and fees. That is such a huge help. I am so thankful they worked as hard as they did. I hope they love this school year. College was made for people like them.

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