Friday, August 17, 2018

What a Mess!

Today is Gavin's 16th birthday. Stockton hung out with him and his friends most of the day. They went hiking and played around Gavin's house. Jorja had work. It was so busy when I came to pick her up. I wasn't sure what time she was off, so I just got some soup to eat while I waited. I picked a spot where I could see her. She had the headset on. It was raining so hard outside. The Corner Canyon football game got delayed and then cancelled. That made Chick-Fil-A packed! 
You can barely see Jorja. She is in the middle with her back to the camera and a headset on.
I wish I would have gotten a picture of Jorja when she finally got off. She was dirty! The plan was for me to drop her off at Gavin's. That changed when I saw how filthy she was. Someone was trying to teach her how to change the milkshake machine. They dropped the entire bag of liquid whatever on her. Then someone else was changing the strawberry thing, but accidentally broke it. It exploded all over Jorja. She was covered in liquid ice-cream and strawberry sauce. Ewww. We did stop by Gavin's house and she wished him a happy birthday from his porch. Stockton came out for a bit to laugh at her. I can't believe I didn't get a picture.

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