Wednesday, August 22, 2018

First Official Day of School

The first thing we did this morning was see if the ducks would fly to the pool. Wow. They are getting much better. I wonder if they are going to fly away this winter?
Jorja and Preston had their first official day of school today. Preston has seven class periods every day. Jorja has A day and B day, four different classes on each day. Jorja had to be to school at 6:50 this morning. All the student government kids were stationed at different doors to welcome the kids back to school. She had to wear her student government golf shirt. She hates it. She ordered extra small and it is big on her. She always has to pull it up while she is wearing it. That's too bad, she loved the shirts from last year. I got a quick picture of the two kids before Jorja left.
Preston & Jorja
 I finally bought Preston his own backpack. He has been using Jorja's pink frog backpack for years.
When we signed Preston up for classes last spring, we were told that there was no honors math or English classes for sixth grade. At back to school night I introduced Preston to his math teacher. I said something like, "I know there is no honors math classes this year . . ." Ms. Oglesby interrupted me then and said there was. I was stunned. How is Preston not in the honors classes? She said they added the classes and sent home a different form. The parents had to sign it to request they be put in the honors class. I don't remember seeing any form like that. I talked to one of my other friends who had a child in Preston's class. She never saw anything like that either. I couldn't believe Preston fell through the cracks already. I told Ms. Oglesby that traditionally my kids have a really hard time in the regular classes. She assured me he would be fine. I could tell that she thought I was just a mom who thought too highly of her kids. Anyway, when Preston came home from school today he said, "Ms. Oglesby says you can put me in honors math." Preston thought she remembered us from a few days ago. After talking to him awhile I found out that they did a pretest that they were supposed to finish at home. He was the only one to finish and he finished five minutes early. At least it didn't take her long to agree that honors math was the place he should be. Honestly, I don't know how he is at math. I have no idea if he'll be like Stockton. I do know that he never struggles in math and honors is the place he should be.
Preston at the bus stop
Jorja's classes today were student government, math, English and theater. I don't know who I am anymore. I actually checked Jorja out of school, on the first day, to get her hair done! What the heck???? I couldn't believe it myself! I checked her out after lunch, so she just missed theater. Kelsee put highlights in Jorja's hair at the beginning of the year. Kelsee only has one week left of beauty school, so Jorja begged me to get an appointment with her. Jorja wanted to have her hair touched up and she wanted to ask Kelsee questions about how to take care of her hair. Kelsee is putting her mission papers in on Friday. I tried to get an after school appointment, but she was completely booked. Jorja talked to Struks (the theater teacher) yesterday and she told Jorja she would be fine.
 Jorja & Kelsee
 Kelsee & Jorja
 Kelsee does a fantastic job. Jorja's hair turned out beautiful.
 Jorja wanted more pictures with Preston after school.
 I love these two!
Last year was the first year that everyone in student government got the same sweater. Previously each grade would design their own. Now there are so many different people with sweaters. The theater team has sweaters, the band team, the voice teams, the art group. Lots of different people. Packer didn't like it. He is the student government advisor. He wanted people to know who they could ask questions to. If someone new asked a question to someone on the art team, they might be rude and it would reflect badly on student government. That was his reasoning anyway. I love it because these sweaters are expensive. We had to pay $140 last year. This year Jorja turned in her sweater after the election. They got it cleaned for her and she now has it back with her new office written on top. She was hoping that they would write out sophomore, because she thought it might look weird since public relations is so long. They put Soph. but I think it turned out great.
Stockton also started college today! Ahhhh! It's not his real first day. He has a connections class that will last three days. It is basically an orientation to Utah State class. He gets two credits out of it too. That is nice. Especially since he needs to take fifteen credits for his scholarship, it's great to get two knocked out of the way before school even starts.

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