Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Preston's 1st Day of Middle School

Preston had his first day of middle school today. It was a half day. He only needed his schedule and locker combination. Today was a day just for sixth graders, to orient them to the school. I walked Preston to the bus stop. It's a little closer than the Kindergarten bus stop, which is nice. It is right on the end of our street. It comes pretty early though.
 Preston's bus driver's name is Mike, he is really nice.
 Preston exhausted after his first day.
Jorja had to be at school all day long for Hawk Flight School. Preston came home at lunch time. Preston was disappointed because he was asked to be in a carpool, but I took too long to respond and someone else got his spot. (I didn't even take 24 hours) We decided that I would let him take his ds on the bus, it is about a 50 minute ride I think. He really wanted Wario Ware, so we went and bought him a copy. I then took him to OHOP. It was delicious.
The ducks are getting better at flying

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