Friday, August 24, 2018

Hello Assembly

It's Friday!!! Preston had his first experience with late start and he was a fan. I drove him to the end of the street and we waited for the bus. As soon as the bus came I went straight to Alta for the Hello Assembly. Man, parking is absolutely awful there now! I drove around for ten minutes before I could find a place to park . . . way out in the driving range . . .
 This was one of the only pictures I got of Jorja. You can just see her back.
The drum line started the assembly. They were awesome. I wish I would have recorded that! Ballroom performed, I got to see Gavin. Drill and Dance performed. Principal McGill started dancing with the Dance Company and it was so funny! Another thing I wish I had recorded! He was great! They had a student government slide show. Lots of cheering when Jorja was profiled. Adorable. Jorja got to make an announcement, and the student government were able to do their Cotton Eyed Joe dance. Jorja crashed into the person next to her at the very beginning. I think it was Luke Vosti. Haha!
Listen Up
Cotton Eyed Joe
I talked to Monson and Kanani Hayes for a long time after. They are nice. Mike and Preston had fun playing with ducks. Preston loves, loves, loves the ducks.
Mike & Preston
Alta played Woods Cross in football tonight. Jorja wanted to go. I drove her and Madison down to the game. They saw Dessa as soon as they got there. I wanted to stay. I don't get to watch football in person very often anymore. Woods Cross is far enough away I didn't want to spend my entire night in a car. I sat by Dessa's parents. Dessa's older brother is on the team. They were really nice and it was great to meet them.
I saw Mike Millburn's friend at the game. Fabrizio. Can't remember his first name. I texted Mike when his son made a touchdown. He dared me to go talk to him. I did. Then I went back for proof. By that time he was on the phone. I just whispered, "Don't mind me, I'm just going to take a selfie." Fabrizio is a dentist and Mike really wants him to come down to New Mexico and work with him. Mike met him in New Mexico. He has been up in Utah for three years. The dental boards are weird and told him he would need to be gone five years from New Mexico before he can come back, or he needs to retake the boards. That doesn't make any sense. He's still trying to get down there. Maybe someone will use common sense.
Stephanie & Fabrizio
Alta won the game. That was nice. Jorja was a bit sad on the way home. She wishes she had friends in her grade. It is so weird. I saw her talking to lots of people. She just wants to be included in a group so bad. I hope she can start feeling confident enough with herself that she can let go of this. She's worried she won't be asked to Homecoming because she is not part of a group. She says that people just ask the kids in their group. Because she is not a part of a group she is worried she will be left out. I wish she could realize how amazing she is and not worry about the future.

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