Saturday, August 25, 2018

Sushi Class

We woke up early to clean the church. Jorja wasn't too happy about that. She was pretty tired. There were a lot of people who showed up today, so that was great. Mike was taking out the trash. The garbage can in the chapel was disgusting. I almost threw up when I accidentally smelled it. I'm wondering if someone did throw up in there. It smelled that bad. There was a lot of bread and water in the bottom of this giant garbage can. It had been sitting there for a week. There was no liner in the can. It was awful. Mike had to clean that down. It still makes my stomach queasy thinking about it.

Mike has been trying hard to not work as much. For the last couple of years he has worked constantly. When he comes home from work, he is usually near his computer. There are so many projects at home or at the cabin that need to be done, but he never has time for it because there is always something going on at work. This week Mike told me he wanted to make a list of projects that need to be worked on and start focusing on them. Hopefully we can get some half finished projects completed. I told him I had an idea for a project. I could tell by Mike's body language that he wasn't happy about that. We have a million things that need to be done and a million things I want to have finished. I hesitated to tell him my new idea because I would love to get all the other projects finished. Anyway, Mike took out some bushes in the back of our house a little while ago. I keep looking at that space thinking it is just being waisted. I suggested to Mike that he build a fence and make the duck pond larger. Mike ended up thinking this was the greatest idea. "I thought you were going to have me do something boring!" Mike spent a lot of the day starting the bigger duck pond project.
After Home Depot
Mike had to pause his project in the middle of the day to pick up Jorja from work. They then went to a sushi making class together. Jorja had given this class to Mike as a gift for his birthday awhile ago. They both seemed to have a great time and came back with delicious sushi. The teacher did tease Mike a lot that he was the worst sushi maker there.
 Jorja at sushi class
 Jorja and Mike
Mike did a lot on his fence today. He sent me this picture. He was pretty excited that the posts were exactly eight feet apart. We decided to not worry about a gate, so he is putting the fence right over the steps. Mike and I are planning on staying in this house forever. He said it is nice that I can do whatever I want and I don't have to worry about if this is going to make the house harder to sell.
Look at all that extra room that has just been waisted.
I spent some of the day at Shannon's house and texting Stockton about laundry. I need to remember to not have my phone on silent so often. I hated it when I would miss his texts! Jorja went to the Hello Stomp today. I dropped her, Carter and Joe off. Right as they came in Cotton-Eyed Joe started playing. She had fun with that and seemed to have a great time at the dance.

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