Sunday, August 5, 2018


We are in Alaska! It is nice that the boat isn't moving at the moment. We need to be on land after a day like yesterday! The kids were excited to order room service for breakfast. There are a few things that are no charge, so they ordered from that menu.
Preston & Stockton
Maysen & Jorja
Once we docked I asked Mike if we would have cell service. We had all the kids put their phones on airplane mode when we got on the boat. Mike turned his phone on and immediately got a message that one of the kids had a bill over $100. YIKES! It was Jorja's phone number. We asked Jorja what happened. She had received a message saying she could enroll in a cruise phone plan or text messages would be 50¢ a text. When she left the Hank Smith meeting yesterday she turned on her phone for a second, sent a quick 'Where are you guys?' text, waited fifteen seconds for a reply then turned the phone back to airplane mode. Her plan was to just pay the $1.00. Well, turns out that Jorja's data was on, so in twenty seconds over $250 worth of data downloaded to her phone. Mike called the phone company and they were willing to erase that charge if she enrolled in the $100 cruise package. So, she will be the only one to have service the rest of the week. She is also paying for the $100 herself. Expensive lesson.

Anyway, after breakfast we headed to the Gospel Doctrine class they were having. Jorja loves vlogging. She does it all the time. She doesn't have a vlog, she just likes saying, "Welcome to my vlog." Even in Gospel Doctrine.
We had a few minutes after our lesson before we needed to get off the boat. Is it ever too early for ice-cream? I don't think so.
 Jorja LOVES making ice-cream cones.
 Jorja & Preston with a photobomb by Maysen.
 Now Mike with the photobomb.
 Our cool towel animal.
 Jorja & Preston ~ I don't know what they are doing.
 In ALASKA! These three have now been to ALL fifty states!
Preston, Stockton, Jorja
 Stockton & Jorja
 Jorja & Stockton with an unintentional photobomb by Stephanie
 Now with Mike. I think Jorja and Stockton are doing this on purpose.
 Maysen, Mike, Preston, Jorja, Stockton, Stephanie
We went to the Mendenhall Glacier. It was beautiful. I did think we were going to be able to actually walk on the glacier though; like Maysen and I did with Nikki and her family. We still had fun. We walked along the Nugget Falls Trail and were able to stand at the base of Nugget Falls. That was as close to the glacier as we were going to get.
Mendenhall Glacier
I tried to take pictures of the kids with my fancy camera, but the settings were off and they were all washed out. I wish I knew how to use this camera to it's full potential. The above picture was taken with my cell phone, the below one with the super nice camera.
Stockton, Jorja, Maysen
 Mike, Maysen, Jorja vlogging, Stockton
This is what Jorja was filming.
Maysen & Jorja's hair
 Mike changed the setting to the point and shoot mode for me.
Jorja, Preston, Masyen, Stockton ~ Nugget Falls
Mendenhall Glacier and Nugget Falls
 Jorja, Stephanie, Preston, Maysen, Stockton
 My family! Stephanie, Jorja, Preston, Maysen, Stockton, Mike
 Stephanie and Mike
 I love my family.
Stockton, Maysen, Preston, Jorja, Mike
 Maysen, Preston, Stockton, Jorja
 Preston, Maysen, Stockton, Mike
 And Jorja
 Mendenhall Glacier
 I liked looking at the icebergs in the water.
 We didn't get to walk on a glacier, but we got to touch part of one in the visitor center.
It's so pretty how there is blue in the glaciers.
We left the glacier and took a bus to a Salmon Bake. It was so cute, fun and delicious. Here is the entrance.
 Maysen, Stockton, Preston, Mike, Jorja
 Stephanie makes a two headed moose and Jorja's arm makes Mike's 49er look weird, but oh well.
 Jorja, Stockton, Maysen, Preston, Mike
 The salmon cook, I didn't find out her name.
More of Jorja's vlog.
Back on the boat. Cool to see a cruise boat with giant mountains as the backdrop.
We watched a magic show today. That guy was good! He was just called to do the show while he was overseas. He hopped on a plane, but his 2,000 pounds of equipment didn't make it. He had to do a different show. He did a lot of card tricks and was amazing. We will get to see his original show in a couple of days. The kids played games again in the library. Jorja spent a lot of time building a card tower. She was proud.

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