Saturday, August 4, 2018

Sick Sea Day

Wow. This boat was rocking! All day long. Mike, Preston and I went up to breakfast. We were able to get a spot by the window, which was really pretty. Mike wanted Preston to show him where the ice-cream machine was. We went outside and found a spot by the pool. It was quite entertaining to watch. The pool water would slosh out every so often. Not just a little bit, giant waves, taller than I am. They drained the pool by the afternoon. It was crazy rocky the entire day. I had some sea sickness patches that I bought for a cruise five years ago. We never used them. Mike, Maysen, Stockton and Jorja each took one. Mike was sick all day. He was a bit seasick, but mostly his ear has started hurting again. It is such intense pain. Usually it lasts for three or four days. Not a great time for this to come back. I wish the doctors/dentists could figure out why this happens and be able to fix it. Poor Mike was absolutely miserable all day. Stockton was cautious all day but managed to hold it together. Jorja felt fine with the patch and Preston did great. The one who got hit the hardest was Maysen. She has never been sick on a cruise before. Not even on a boat. This morning we went to the Hank Smith/Dave Hadlock presentations. Maysen was not feeling well. We went into the hall during the ten minute break and Maysen threw up right in front of the elevators. Luckily she had a doggie bag. They had taped doggie bags on all the stair railings. I got her into a bathroom where another girl was throwing up. Eventually Maysen was able to wash her face and she felt much better. We went back to the presentation. Maysen ended up laying down on the seat. Mike was in so much pain he had to leave and go to sleep. I took Maysen to her room during the lunch break. Preston stayed with her while Stockton, Jorja and I went to lunch. We came back to pick up the other kids. Maysen wanted to finish the presentations. She started walking to the door when she got sick again. She threw up a ton in the toilet. Poor girl. She went back to bed. We started the morning with six and finished the presentations with four. Well, three. Jorja skipped out the last ten minutes of Hank Smith's presentation to meet up with some new friends.
Anyway, today was formal night. Maysen was feeling better by the end of the day. Stockton said, and I quote, "There is no way I'm dressing up tonight." He hadn't thrown up, but he was barely hanging on. He said he would watch Preston for us. Mike, Maysen, Jorja and I all went to dinner. Mike made it through most of dinner before he had to leave because of his ear pain. The girls looked so cute. We sat at a table with the Covington family. They are from Kansas and are really nice. They have three kids with them. Brad, not sure how old he is. Joy, who will be a senior and Graham who is 15 and will be a sophomore like Jorja. It was funny because when they sat by us, Graham left an empty seat between him and Jorja. Jorja was like, rip me, or something like that. At dinner we discovered that they love board games. One of them said that Betrayal on the House at the Hill was their favorite game. We had actually brought that game with us. We brought an entire suitcase of games. It is easier to do when you drive. The kids met in the library to play games. (Stockton and Preston came too. They were very happy with their pizza and crepes they found for dinner.)
Brad, waiter, Graham's forehead, Jorja, Maysen, Stephanie
 Jorja, Maysen, Stephanie, Mike
 Jorja & Maysen
 Jorja, Stephanie, Maysen
 Stephanie and Mike
 Our towel animal
 The kids towel animal
Code Names was being played when I got there. Brad told Maysen that he had noticed her a couple of times and wanted to talk to her. Maysen said, "That's adorable. I'm glad you didn't notice me when I was throwing up." Haha! I love Maysen! We played Code Names a couple of times, then played One Night Ultimate Werewolf, Daybreak. The was a lot of fun. Stockton, Preston, Jorja and Joy left. I played one game of something before I went to get Preston tucked into bed. I came back and Maysen, Brad and Graham were playing Pokemon headbands. I had no idea what half the words they were saying meant. It was funny to watch them though. Jorja came and got Graham and took him up to the teen section. Maysen and Brad played Millebournes. I went to bed. It will be nice to be on land tomorrow! This is my seventh cruise and I have never felt it rock like today. Sam would have been miserable.
Graham, Brad, Maysen

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