Friday, August 3, 2018

On the Boat

Cheri took us to the cruise terminal this morning. That was so nice! It took awhile to find where to go, but we got on the boat just fine. Mike and I are in a cabin at the front of the ship. The kids are in a cabin up a floor and at the back of the ship. This is as close as they could get us, and we signed up for the cruise in February! Crazy! The kids are actually in an adjoining room and I was extremely tempted to ask the people in the next room if they would switch rooms with us. I was too chicken though. I don't like being this far away from them though. At least they are older and will be fine. Still, I wish we were closer.
Preston, Maysen, Stockton, Jorja, Mike
 Jorja wanted to send this picture to Hailey
We are going to have a ton of fun though. We ate and ate today, and also played a round of mini golf. We met two other couples at dinner. Maryann and Rory from Yakima, Washington and Holly and Jasper from El Paso, Texas. Both of them are with our tour group, so that's fun. Dinner was sooooo good.
Stockton, Preston, Maysen
 Stockton and Mike
 Preston and Maysen
 I couldn't decide which picture I liked best. Preston is adorable, I don't get many of him smiling normal now a days.
 Jorja and Stockton
Mike and I went to the meet and greet for our tour. We listened to Dave Hadlock and Hank Smith. I was wishing Jorja was there. Especially since I found out that she was just in her room wanting to be meeting people. She didn't come with us because she wanted to go to the teen area, but she felt uncomfortable and didn't stay long. The other kids were having fun watching weird shows and goofing around, Jorja just wanted to be out and about. I wish I had taken her with us. Hopefully she'll meet people tomorrow.
Hank Smith and Stephanie
Mike and I did take her to the teen area for their thing that started at 11:00 at night. She was so scared. She wanted to go in, but was scared to go by herself. She wants to find friends on this trip so bad. We sat out a little ways way from the entrance. She had tears in her eyes. She was so embarrassed because she was crying and with her parents. She didn't want to go, but she wanted to go. She cried and whispered to me, "I hate being shy." She has done amazing things for being as shy as she is. Mike was telling her that today might be the easiest day to meet people because everyone is new. Finally she got her courage up and went in. Mike and I waited outside in the video arcade for awhile. We saw her talking to people through a window and even saw her line dancing for a bit. We finally thought she was okay and would want us to go. It's scary for me to leave her. I hope she got back to her room okay. Oh man, I'm going to have to trust these kids a lot more on this trip! I hope she had fun. I have no idea if it was amazing or awful. I guess I'll find out tomorrow.

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