Friday, August 10, 2018

Perfect Match

Mike and I met the kids in their bedroom, then we all went up to breakfast. I messed up. I was planning on having Stockton wear his pants from yesterday again. I just neglected to tell Mike or Stockton that. Stockton took a shower in our room and Mike packed his pants after Stockton got in jammies. So, Stockton spent today with polar bear pants. I had a nice shirt picked out for him, so it looks kind of strange. Haha! He is such a good sport! Sad that this trip is at an end. It has been so much fun. Cheri picked us up at the cruise terminal. She had a perfect pickup. We walked outside as she was about to turn the corner. We had to wait a total of two minutes before we were in her car. Now that is timing! Especially with Seattle traffic! Cheri brought us back to her house. We had stored our van and a few suitcases here. Mike got everything ready to go. My friend Cindy came over to say hi. They were camping when we were here last week. It was so much fun to see her! It's been years! I love these girls!
Stephanie, Cheri, Cindy
Cheri and I have almost the exact same family. It is so funny. Our kids are the same age. We were always pregnant at the same time. I didn't know her when I had Maysen though. The hardest thing about moving from Washington was leaving her family. I kept telling the kids that if we still lived there, these would be their very best friends. I forgot to take a picture with their match before I left, but as I was heading out the door for the cruise I asked Cheri if we could do one when we got back. Carter got his wisdom teeth out while we were gone. They said he was swollen, but I can't see it!
Lily & Preston ~ 6 months apart
 Aidan & Jorja ~ 10 days apart
 I think Aidan was born on Jorja's due date. She just came a few days early.
 Jorja told me to take multiple angles, I had no idea what she meant. They are laughing at me.
 Carter & Stockton ~ two weeks apart
 Carter with his "swollen" cheeks and Stockton's polar bear jammies.
 These guys weren't supposed to be born so close together, but Stockton missed his due date by over a month.
 Emily & Maysen ~ two months apart
 Emily is serving a mission in Taiwan right now.
 Carter, Stockton, Aidan, Jorja
Maysen & Emily, Lily, Preston
 Stephanie & Cheri ~ I love her!
 Lily & Jorja ~ these girls got along great!
 Gardenias ~ this was the flower at our wedding
We left Cheri's house and drove to a Bank of America. Mike has been wanting to cancel our account for years, but you have to do it in person. While we were up here he wanted to do it. He came back with over a thousand dollars cash. I can't remember how much. At least that is finally done. He found a branch in Kirkland. It was weird driving down streets that we used to frequent often so many years ago. I remember being with Mike's parents when Maysen was a baby and using the paddleboat in Lake Washington. We drove right past the spot. It was fun to come back here. I wish I could have taken the kids to the Space Needle and the fountain. Mostly the fountain, but we ran out of time. We drove to Coeur d'Alene today to see Brooke! Yay! Yay! Yay! We met them at Lake Coeur d'Alene. The boys got into their swimsuits. We couldn't find where Stockton's was stashed, so he wore Mike's. Brooke was on the lake with her family, so we waited on the dock for them. We were only there for five minutes, but the kids loved it because they got to play with dogs. Well, three of the kids loved that.
Preston, Maysen, Jorja
 Brooke, Len, Miranda, Shylee, Timberlyn
Len took the little girls out while Brooke let us have a ride. Stockton and Preston both rode the tube. We didn't stay long because the sun was almost down. It was beautiful. Brooke is a fantastic tube boat driver.
Preston, Stockton
The kids watched the RavenTale movie. They are so weird. I stayed up until two in the morning talking to Brooke. When I finally went down to sleep I laughed when I saw Jorja. Jorja HATES feet. I mean she HATES them. They gross her out so much. Just look how she is sleeping! Hahahahahahaha!
Jorja & Preston's foot
What a long, fun day. Lots of driving, but I got to see many people who I love so much that I rarely see anymore. I'm so glad we can just pick up where we left off like no time has past. So lucky!

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