Saturday, August 11, 2018

Brooke's House!

Well, we only stayed the morning at Brooke's house. The kids loved all the animals. Jorja and Preston came with Brooke and her little girls to take care of the animals at their grandparent's farm. It was just down the street, so we were able to walk there. Jorja and Preston loved it.
 Preston watching Timberlyn and Shylee getting eggs.
 Brooke & Stephanie ~ I LOVE her!
 Kanyon & Jorja ~ Wow! Kanyon has grown!
 Maysen, Stockton, Kanyon, Jorja, Preston
I laughed so hard at this picture. Kanyon makes the perfect pyramid.
 All of Stephanie and Brooke's kids.
Kaydra, Maysen, Stockton, Kanyon, Jorja, Preston
Shylee, Miranda, Timberlyn
 Preston LOVES dogs.
 I would not be enjoying this.
 I told Jorja I wanted a picture of this post because I loved it. Ha! I love her more.
We decided to try and get home today. It's about a ten hour drive. Jorja drove some of the way. Jorja was driving when they decided to stop and get gas somewhere in Montana. There was a sign that mentioned shakes and that sounded good. Holy cow! This was the best gas station in the world! We had so much fun! There was a popcorn machine that was giving out free popcorn. A giant gift shop that was fun to look at. A trout aquarium that you could stand in. Haha! We had so much fun!
 Jorja, Stockton, Preston
 Maysen, Jorja, Stockton, Preston
There was also a small diner in the gas station called Huck's Grill. We ate there. It was so good! Expensive, but good. It filled us up for the rest of the trip, so we didn't need to stop for food again. That was nice!
Jorja, Preston, Stockton
We arrived home about 2:30 in the morning. Jorja helped Mike stay awake. That was good because I am not a night person and I could not stay awake that long. We pretty much just dragged ourselves inside before we crashed. What a fun trip. What a fun life we have! I love my family. I'm going to miss them being all home with me.

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