Sunday, August 12, 2018

Home with Ducks

We decided to go to a later church since everyone was exhausted and we hadn't planned on being here anyway. I, of course, couldn't sleep in. I took a shower and was in the kitchen when Audrey knocked on the door. I threw on some clothes and headed to church with her. The rest of my family went to the 11:00 ward I think. It all worked out. Stockton had an interview with the bishop to start his mission papers. Ahhh! That's good, but also scary. Happy, but also sad. Too many emotions. Anyway, to end this post. Here are ducks. Preston was especially happy to be reunited with them.
Mike, Jorja, Preston
 Mike & Jorja
 Jorja's arms after holding ducks.
Why Jorja's arms are scratched.
Mike took Jorja driving today. She has her first drive tomorrow and is quite nervous about it. They seemed to have a great time. Jorja is a pretty good driver, so I'm sure she will be fine.

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