Monday, August 13, 2018

Black Locker

Mike took Stockton to a doctor appointment today. He got three shots. Fun. I took Jorja to Alta. She had to be there to get things ready for Hawk Flight School. She found her locker while she was there. It is black. Most of the lockers at Alta are red with a few black and gray ones. Stockton always had red. I think Maysen did too. Stockton always wanted one of the other colors. Last year Jorja had gray. This year her locker is black. Hahaha. After I dropped Jorja off I went to the doctor's office to pick up Stockton. The doctor was very confused why he even has contacts. He has 20/15 vision in one eye and 20/20 in the other. For some reason when he was getting his permit they said he failed his driving test. He has stopped wearing his contacts because they bother him. I guess that is the reason why. I don't know what 20/15 means though.

I picked up Jorja at Alta and brought her to Corner Canyon for her road drive. She was scheduled to drive with a person named John. There ended up being two boys she drove with. Turns out the other boy was one of her friends from awhile ago that now goes to Jordan. His name is Ben. She was so excited about that and said the road drive was a lot of fun.
Lady (maybe Ben's mom?), Coach Reed, Ben, Jorja
 Ben & Jorja

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