Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Stockton Gets the Melchizedek Priesthood

Jorja had drivers ed again. This time it was the canyon drive. She had the best time. Coach Reed let them get out and play up there. Ben brought his peanut butter that he takes on different adventures. He had them sign his jar. The three kids driving are all from three different schools. That is fun that they can get to know each other. Ben is in student government at Jordan. Jorja was excited about that. She wants to get the sophomores together with sophomore class officers at other schools. She asked Ben about it. He told her he didn't think that was a good idea because the other officers hate people from Alta. Rip. That is why they should do it.
Ben ~ Jordan, John ~ Corner Canyon, Jorja ~ Alta
Stockton got the Melchizedek Priesthood tonight. Jeff Scott was the high counselor who came. That is great because we know him well. Scoop, Cori, my dad, Cathy and Max all were there as well. Jeff had Mike and the grandparents talk about their experiences with the priesthood before it was his turn to actually get it. Mike blessed Stockton that he would be filled with good desires. That he will realize the decisions he makes now will have eternal consequences and that he will have courage to make tough decisions. He blessed him that he would use his priesthood to serve others and that he would have a constant witness of the truthfulness of the priesthood authority and that he would gain an ever increasing testimony. It was really nice.
Stockton & Mike
Jeff Scott talked about the first time he ever gave a blessing. I asked my dad to tell Stockton about the first time he ever gave a blessing. I won't do the story justice. My dad grew up in an inactive home. He was so unprepared when he went on his mission to South Africa. D&C 36:2 always stuck out to him. "And I will lay my hand upon you by the hand of my servant..." In the Savior's eyes it is him laying his hands upon other's heads when the priesthood is being used. Anyway, the first Sunday my dad was in South Africa President Bib asked all Melchizedek Priesthood holders to meet in a room. My dad went there to find out that Sister Harris was going to have surgery the next day and she wanted a blessing. President Bib asked President Balan to anoint and Brother Millburn to seal the anointing. My dad was shocked. He had no idea what he was talking about. He had never seen this ordination done. While President Balan was anointing Sister Harris my dad was thinking frantically about how he could get out of this. He wanted to say something, but as soon as President Balan was done everyone clamped their hands on Sister Harris' head so fast that he didn't have a chance. All of their eyes were closed and my dad didn't know what to do. He said a silent prayer that words would be put into his mouth. Then he waited, and waited, and waited. Nothing. My dad then thought that if he started the inspiration would come. So he started the prayer and then waited, and waited, and waited; and the Lord forsook him. Those were my dad's words. Finally he just started saying stuff. Things will be okay. The surgery will go great. You will be okay. Stuff like that. Afterwords Sister Harris shook his hand and he didn't get struck by lightning, so he thought everything was okay. President Balan followed her to the door and then shut it right after her. He turned around and asked my dad why he didn't seal the anointing? My dad was nervous and didn't know what to say. Before he could answer President Bib said, "I'll tell you why he didn't seal the anointing, because you did. You sealed the anointing in the anointing prayer." President Balan couldn't believe it, he had never done that before in his life. Other people, including my dad, were nodding in agreement. Yeah, that is what you did. So, they decided the blessing was okay. As my dad was leaving the room he thought, "Wow. That was lucky. The one time he sealed the anointing in the anointing prayer was when I didn't do it." My dad said the spirit came crashing into him right as he thought that. It seemed to say to him, "You idiot. That wasn't luck." My dad said, "Apparently the Spirit couldn't get through to me so he got through to President Balan. That is when I knew if the Lord was going to help me out like this I could do this mission thing."
Scoop, Stockton, Mike, Dad
 Scoop, Stockton, Mike, Jeff, Dad
 Cori, Scoop, Max, Jorja, Stockton, Mike, Preston, Stephanie, Maysen, Dad, Cathy
 Scoop, Stockton, Cori
 Cathy, Stockton, Dad
 Scoop, Stockton, Dad

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