Monday, September 3, 2018


I had plans to meet Heather and Jordyn for lunch at Costa Vita near Bountiful today. I haven't seen my cousins in a long time. We were good about going to lunch once a month for awhile, but haven't been together for about a year. I found out Saturday that Heather and Zac were getting a divorce. I felt awful for her and felt like a horrible cousin. I haven't been there for her this last year. My plan was to spend today with her. Maysen and Stockton were still here, so it was a bit hard to leave before them. Knowing I would be up in Logan on Saturday made it easier though. I was scrambling to get things together for them before I left. Right before I was headed out the door my dad called to see if I wanted to go to the Bees game with him and Matt's family. I told him I was meeting Heather at 11:30, then going over to her house. I didn't know how long I would be. He asked if he could leave me the ticket at Will Call just in case. I decided to stop by and pick up the ticket because I don't like going to Will Call. I told him there would be just about a 15% chance that I could make it. He still wanted me to have the ticket. I really wanted to be on time today, but it looked like once again I was going to be late. I texted Heather and told her I was leaving my house now. I stopped by my dad's house. I was anxious because I was running about 10 minutes late and Heather is always 10 minutes early. (Come to find out she was already there when I texted her. 40 minutes before I got there. Good job Stephanie.) The tickets were down in Matt and Sam's place. I was trying to hurry out the door and Matt asked me if I thought I would really come because he could get a free hotdog if he turned in the ticket. I told him that there was only a 15% chance I would make it. Then I asked if the game started at 7:00. Matt and Sam both started laughing. The game started at 12:05. WHAT!!! DAD!!! How did he think there was any possibility I would make the game? I was having lunch in Bountiful with Heather and Jordyn at 11:30! Then planning on going to Heather's house. How would it even be possible that I could make the game. I couldn't believe it. My dad just laughed. Oh geesh.

Both Heather and Jordyn were there when I arrived. Late and embarrassed. They were nice about it though. After lunch we went to Heather's new place. She is renting a cute little house. It is adorable and perfect for her. It was nice to see where she is living and to see how everything looks stable and it feels like she belongs there. We stayed and talked for a long time. Jordyn left around 5:00. I stayed and talked with Heather for a long time after that. It was happy and sad. Our lives are so similar. Both of us are the only girls, both of our moms died soon after we were married, both of us have four kids, both of us have felt abandoned. Luckily things are much better with my dad and me now. Heather is still hurting a lot. I ended up getting home at 10:00. Yep, I missed the 12:05 ballgame.

While I was gone, Mike and Jorja made lasagna. Maysen and Stockton made it up to Logan. Jorja was asked to homecoming. She is so excited about that. I am happy for her and slightly devastated. Jorja wanted to go to Homecoming so bad. She would make us laugh. One day after scripture study she said she had an announcement. She said, "I want everyone to pray I get asked to Homecoming." I laughed and told her I wasn't going to pray for that, but I would pray that she could handle whatever happened. Next month my brother Mike is flying me to New Mexico to watch his kids while he goes on one of my dad's tours with Christen. I checked to see when Alta's homecoming was before I said yes. It is the end of September, so that wouldn't be a problem. The problem comes in that Jorja was asked to Corner Canyon's homecoming. Which is when I am in New Mexico. I can't believe it. This is the first dance any of my kids have been asked to, and I'm going to miss it. I am so sad. Well, Jorja got her wish. Now I am going to pray that she gets asked to Alta's homecoming. I won't feel bad missing the other dance if it is not her very first one. Seriously, what are the chances....

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