Tuesday, September 4, 2018


I have been letting Jorja have my phone at night. She likes to listen to the stories that are on there, and I won't let her have her own phone at night. She has been listening to The Wall and The Wing, and The Chaos King. (I used the Oxford comma right there because of all the ands.) Anyway, a few days ago when I was taking her phone upstairs messages came into her phone. Someone was direct messaging her and it looked like he was having a giant conversation with himself. I mentioned that to Mike because it was kind of weird. I even told Jorja about it. Last night when she came up to my room after putting her phone away to look at her phone again. She said she forgot to read her scriptures, so she was on her phone for a bit. This morning when I went to look at her phone I noticed she had logged out of Instagram. It dawned on me that she logged out of Instagram so she could log into it on my phone and have conversations without the alerts showing up on her phone. I was so ticked off. I went and got my phone from under her pillow and looked through it. I knew which was the last message that came through on her phone before she gave it to me. I opened her messages (which I try and avoid opening new unread messages) and sure enough. She has been using my phone to have conversations after I put her to bed. I was so mad at her. Seriously, how many chances does she get? How many times is she going to lose my trust? Oh, we had a conversation in the morning. Of course she says, "But he needed me, he was going through hard things." I know this boy's friend just died, and that is hard. But NEVER lie to me. NEVER purposely deceive me. I am done with this. So, no more stories for her at night. The end. Thank goodness my other children never did this to me. I don't think I could have handled it. I think one super social drama filled child is all I am capable of dealing with. It certainly is stressful enough to last me a lifetime.

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