Sunday, September 30, 2018

Amy Kaye

Baby Amy was born today. Right as sacrament meeting was starting I remember looking at my phone and telling Sister Valentine that my niece was being born right at that second. Haha. Amy Kaye was actually born at 9:30 on 9/30. She weighed 6 lbs 8 oz. Matt and Sam named her Kaye after Sam's mom. I think they just liked the name Amy. We went to visit them as soon as church was over. Preston is always in pajamas before we even get home from church. As soon as his class is over he walks home and when we arrive, he is always in his jammies. I didn't make him change back into church clothes for the hospital.
Jorja, Stephanie & Amy, Preston, Mike
 Matt & Amy
 Sam ~ she's a pro at this now.
Sam has Amy's new blanket on her. The lady bug blanket is the one she and Matt made for Amy. They have made blankets for each of their children. How fun is that?

Mike made fish for dinner and the kids loved it. It is weird only having four people living at our house right now. We played this weird Mario game before bed. Madison came over and brought Jorja back the things she had borrowed. She stayed until I took her home around 9:00. Again, I'm a horrible grounder.

I texted Rachel today about Christmas stockings. I was trying to pick out one for Mina. Rachel asked if it would be okay if I made Marie's next. Marie doesn't like the one Rachel made for her. I think she feels it is too babyish. I'm not sure. I'm hoping to finish Grace's before Christmas. Hopefully I'll get Marie and Mina's done for next year. This is what Grace's stocking looks like so far. I do love Christmas and Christmas stockings.

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