Saturday, September 29, 2018

Fish in the Pond

I forgot to post this adorable picture Mike took of Preston yesterday. Those two sure had a great time together. It helps that they are almost the exact same person. I can't believe how similar their personalities are. I love it. The two of them got back around 3:30. They brought home five fish to put in our freezer and ten fish to put in our pond with the ducks. They were quite happy about that.
Today was a long day for me. First, I got up super early to go to my exercise class. I was up late waiting for Jorja, so I didn't get much sleep. We have Jorja leave her phone in our room at night. I looked at her phone and saw a message from a boy at school that said something like, "I don't know what to tell you, I'm really bad in these kinds of situations....." not sure if that was it, but it was around those lines. I thought that was weird and I wanted to ask Jorja about it. Jorja was getting ready when I got home. She had plans to go with Collin and his friends to Thanksgiving Point. I asked if I could see her phone. She said, "Just a second, I need to reply to Gabby real quick." She then handed me the phone. I wanted to ask Jorja what the message I saw was about, but when I was looking for it, it was gone. It dawned on me that Jorja deleted the message. That is a big no around here. One of the conditions of her having a phone is that she doesn't delete anything. I asked her where the message was. It took her awhile but she finally admitted to deleting it. I totally lost it. We had a LONG discussion about honesty last night, and first thing in the morning she lies to me again? I yelled at Jorja. I was so mad I couldn't even stand it. I also grounded her until her birthday, which is in a little over a month. It is so long because it is not a real grounding. She will still get to go to homecoming, work, lacrosse, student government stuff, the quinceanera she RVSPd to a month ago. So really, it's not much of a grounding. I also found out that Collin's friends cancelled at the last minute yesterday, so she hung out with just Collin for most of the day. She insists it wasn't a date. She honestly thinks it wasn't a date because she isn't 16. Like that is the only thing that makes it a date. "Jorja, do you think Heavenly Father is not okay with you watching a movie with a boy before you are sixteen but doesn't mind you kissing boys?" How is kissing not a date, but watching a movie is. How does she even think like that? She didn't kiss Collin, but still! Anyway, Jorja begged me to still let her go to Thanksgiving point with Collin and his friends. She didn't want to cancel on him like his friends cancelled on him yesterday. Yep, I'm the worst grounder ever. Well, Collin's friends cancelled on him again. Jorja got Hailey to come with them. Hailey is such a good sport. They drove to Thanksgiving Point and then realized how expensive it was to get inside. They decided to go to a movie instead. They saw Crazy Rich Asians. I was a little sad when she texted me that. I was hoping to hang out with Jorja this weekend. I thought we could go dress shopping and I thought it would be fun to see that movie with her. I ended up spending the three day weekend all alone with small bursts of disciplining Jorja in between. So, it was a pretty disappointing weekend for me.
Jorja & Hailey
 Collin & Jorja
Jorja texted me and asked if I could bring her Chick-Fil-A clothes to Hailey's house. She wasn't supposed to work today, but a girl was sick and asked if she could cover for her. I gathered everything and headed down there. Mike came home right as I was leaving. Once I got to Hailey's house I realized I left Jorja's badge on the counter. I didn't think I would have enough time to go back and get it, so Mike was nice enough to hurry and bring the badge down to me. Hailey's mom, Melanie, let me inside and I talked to her while I waited for Jorja. Jorja was texted right as she turned into Hailey's house that she wouldn't need to come in after all. Oh well. I ended up talking to Melanie for a long time. I was telling her why Jorja was grounded and how frustrated I was. Jorja said that she was keeping things from me because she didn't want me to think less of her when she makes mistakes. Melanie and I tried to convince Jorja and Hailey that if they were ever in a situation and thought, "I would be embarrassed to talk to my mom about this." Then they shouldn't do it. Hailey felt kind of awkward with the entire conversation. Melanie and Hailey convinced me to let Jorja go to a Haunted House with Hailey tonight. They convinced me that this would be more of a punishment for Jorja. Also, Jorja owes Hailey big time. Hailey is always going places with Jorja that she doesn't want to go. So, Jorja's first day of grounding ended up with her spending the day with Collin and Hailey and spending the night at a Haunted House with Hailey, Allison and a bunch of boys. Yep, this will be horrible for her.

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