Saturday, October 27, 2018

Hippie Howl

Today was the Halloween dance. Jorja has been so excited about this. She is now officially sixteen! She was really excited to go with Riley and had been looking forward to this date for a long time. Parker's dad drove Jorja and their dates to Top Golf for their 'day date'.
Riley & Jorja
Jorja, Parker and their dates ended up being in one lane the correct term? I know it's not, but......Ella, Gabby and Eliza were next to them. One time when the girls were in the bathroom Gabby  told Parker and Jorja how lucky they were that their dates were being really nice to them. I guess when you have been buddies forever it is hard to switch into date mode. I'm glad Riley was nice to Jorja. She had a great time.
Parker & Jorja
 Riley & Jorja
I was pretty dead today. I felt bad because I wanted to go to the temple with Maysen, but I just didn't feel up to it. I did go to the church for a bit to help with Emery's tree. Our ward is donating a tree to the Festival of Trees in Emery's honor. She had brain surgery back in January and there were complications. She had a stroke and now has cerebral palsy. She is two. The entire thing has been heartbreaking. Anyway, I went to the church and finished my coral project and made a mermaid. I walked home and took pictures of the colorful trees in our front yard. Fall is beautiful.
Stockton was gone when I got home. He took Madison out to lunch. Madison's date for the Halloween dance cancelled on her a few days ago. She asked one of the special needs kids. A few days ago his mom let Madison know that he couldn't go anymore. Madison still went with the group (who all asked special needs kids) but Stockton was able to take her out to lunch. Jorja came home from Top Golf and played with her ducks. She painted Kiki's nails in the hope that we would be able to tell Kiki and Quacky Chan apart. The paint didn't stick, so she tried a sharpie.
Jorja painting Kiki's nails.
 Jorja & Stephanie with Kiki
 Jorja & Kiki
 Preston with Kiki and Quacky Chan
Jorja took a long nap before she got ready for the dance. Brenton picked her up and then they went to the Color Wall to take pictures. The pictures turned out great and Jorja looked sooooo beautiful!
 Riley & Jorja ~ this picture is my favorite
 Eliza & Jorja ~ they were in student government together last year
 Parker & Jorja
 Ella & Jorja ~ these guys have been in the Chinese program forever
 Jorja & Gabby
 Gabby, Riley, Jorja
 Riley & Jorja
 Jorja & Riley
 Eliza, Noah, Ella, Cole, Gabby, Brenton, Jorja, Riley, Parker, ?????
 Ella, Parker, Jorja, Eliza, Gabby
They had dinner at Pizza Limon before they went to the dance. Everyone had to wait for Jorja after the dance. She had to clean up. Usually it doesn't take too long, but Packer got mad at them because some boys messed up the bathroom. She felt a bit bad for making them wait. They went to Ella's house to watch a movie. They watched The Sixth Sense. People fell asleep. Eliza and her group left and Jorja saw Riley walk out with them. She thought he was saying goodbye. Riley thought Jorja was asleep, so he got a ride with Eliza. Jorja felt so bad! She wanted to walk Riley to his door. She wasn't planning on kissing him, but she wanted to give him a hug and say thanks. The last girls choice dance she didn't get to walk Mackie to the door either. Jorja and Mackie got split up in cars because of the car accident. I was glad when Jorja was home safe and sound.

Stockton and I were up when Jorja got home. We had been working on figuring out everything he needed to do to defer his scholarships and college for his mission. Hopefully we did everything right. We were mostly worried about getting out of the housing contract. We were under the impression it would be easy, and it kind of was, it just took forever to figure out how to do it. (We didn't even figure it out today, Stockton had to ask someone on campus....but it is now done....hopefully.) Jorja was pretty happy when she got home. She went straight to her duck and started playing with her. Once Jorja was home I went to bed and left Stockton and Jorja to their shenanigans.

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