Friday, October 26, 2018

Jorja's SIXTEEN!

Jorja is FINALLY sixteen! She has been waiting and waiting and waiting for today for a long time. I have been planning her party for a long time now. I have been sick about it all week long. Last night I kept waking up wanting to throw up. I hate being in charge of things. I'm was so nervous. The party went great though and I am extremely glad it is over!

Okay, today started with Jorja getting up early to curl her hair, then Mike took her to get her drivers license. I did manage to get a picture of her before she walked out the door.
Jorja ~ 16 years old
Getting her license was super easy. She had all of her paper work filled out and turned in online. Mike had an appointment set up for her as well. They walked past about ten people filling out papers and got called right away. She wasn't even late for school. Perfect.
Jorja is legal!
Preston and I got to the bus stop early and we decided to check and see if Jorja was on this sign. She was!
 Jorja & Traven
 Jorja and Hallie
I found those two pictures of Jorja with some of her friends. I love Hallie. She looked so beautiful at Jorja's party. This next picture is the only one I found from Jorja's school day.
Will, Riley and Jorja's feet
Alta had a football playoff game today. That caused me major stress. Luckily the game started at 4:00. Packer told me at parent/teacher conference that they list the games at 4:00, but the schools actually set the time they want. I did not like that. I was so worried the game would be moved to 7:00. I didn't know what I would do if that happened. Anyway, it ended up not being a problem. Jorja went to the football game with Conner, then they went straight to Alta to decorate for the Halloween dance tomorrow. Mike and I were able to get into the pavilion at 4:30, so Jorja being gone was perfect.
Shannon Jex met Mike and I at the pavilion at 4:30 with her daughter Blakely. I should have gotten a picture of her helping. She had Blakely in a baby sling and looked absolutely adorable. I am so glad she helped me through this! We had a table set up by the entrance with cards and pens for people to leave Jorja a note. Jorja LOVES notes.
Shannon Jex and I set up for awhile before she needed to leave. It was harder than it looks because they didn't want us to use tape or pins. We had to use this blue putty stuff. It wasn't the best, but we managed. Shannon took Blakely home and Mike went to get Preston. I was a little nervous about leaving, so I stayed. A lady stopped by and asked if she could look around. They are going to have a baby shower here tomorrow. She asked how I got in early to decorate. I didn't. She was surprised that the pavilion was able to be rented this late. It was kind of weird. Mike and I were happy with the set up. It worked out perfect for Jorja's party.
Cotton candy and popcorn
 Hailey's mom wrote the cotton candy flavors on this sign. Adorable.
People were told to arrive between 7:15 and 7:30 and that Jorja would come at 7:45. The DJ was supposed to come at 7:00 and play the music between 7:30 and 9:30. The DJs name was Keith and he came to set up about a half an hour early. That was awesome!
Waiting for Jorja
Shannon Smith picked up the cakes for me. She got here about the same time as Maysen and Stockton. They came down from Logan and got here just in time! Preston was so excited. Shannon brought Weston and they stayed the entire time. I was so glad!
Maysen & Preston
 Jorja's cake
 Jorja's other cake
I was stressing out because Jorja didn't get here until 8:00. It was such a relief when Conner texted me that they were on their way. Traven told her they were going bowling, but that didn't hold up when they pulled into 'not a bowling alley'. Everyone yelled SURPRISE when she walked into the room. She was so happy. She started tearing up. I wish I would have been closer to see her.
We had Jorja blow out candles on a doughnut.
Happy birthday
I tried to get a picture when more people were at the table, but I was too slow.
I liked this picture because look how adorable Weston is talking to Hallie.
Luke is the one being carted....I wish I had started the video earlier!
Jorja's friend, Conner, had to leave early. He was taking the ACT the next day. She walked to the car with him so she could get her backpack. She hadn't been home yet. Someone saw them leave and everyone ran to the windows to watch them to see if they would kiss. They didn't, but they did notice all the people watching them. The DJ even asked why everyone was at the window. When Jorja came back in with her backpack and a little succulent plant Conner gave her everyone made a tunnel for her to run through. It was pretty funny.
Jorja's tunnel
Jorja had so many friends come. Lots of people from student government, lots of people from Chick-Fil-a, lots of friends from school. I think she had a great time. She seemed to have a great time. I tried to get pictures of her with different people. Stockton talked to Raychel for quite awhile. He is good friends with her brother John up at Utah State. They had fun telling John stories.
Raychel, Jorja, Jessie
 Aysha, Jorja, Kylie
 Jorja & Tally
 Jorja & Teegan are in the middle, Maysen & Preston are on the left, Stockton is on the right second to the end.
 Areesha, Bode, Jorja, Teegan, Ryan 
 The boy in the middle with the black Alta shirt on is Rylie. Jorja is going with him to the dance tomorrow.
Luke is next to him. He lives on our street and Jorja has known him since we moved here.
Jaren & Jorja
Mike and I laughed so hard when we saw Ebony do the worm. She was so funny all night long!
Blake and Gavin dancing together on the right. That made me laugh!
The kids were dancing in a circle for awhile when Stockton and Gavin went into the middle to dance. They both did awesome backflips at the same time. The crowd loved it. I missed recording it, so I asked them to do another backflip. I'm glad Stockton had Gavin at Alta, even if he was two years younger than him.
Jorja had so much fun with her Chick-Fil-A friends. I'm glad so many of them were able to make it. Especially considering lots of them had to be at work!
Gabe, Mitchell, Sam, Jared, Jorja, Collin, Kensie, Madison
 Traven & Jorja
 Jorja & Madison
Both of these girls, Madison and Hailey, have been such a blessing in Jorja's life. I'm so thankful for them.
 Hailey & Jorja
 Sophie & Jorja
 Allison & Jorja
 Sophie, Ella, Gabby, Areesha, Jorja, Kate, Dessa
 Jorja & Dessa
 Luke, Cole, Teegan, Cody, Noah, Jorja, Isaac, Riley, Ryan
 Keith (the DJ) and Jorja
Stockton told the DJ thanks as he was cleaning up. Keith asked if he was a gymnast. Stockton and Gavin said they were divers. Keith was a diver in high school too. Stockton loved that!
Jorja & Stephanie
 Teegan & Riley photobombing
 Gavin, Jorja, Stockton
 Gavin & Jorja
 Jorja & Stockton
 Luke, Jorja, Baylor
I sent Maysen home with Preston before the party ended. She had a big assignment due. It was a 24 hour assignment, so she couldn't get it done before she left. She was still working on it when we got home. Jorja left before everyone too. Chick-Fil-A was having their work party today. It was at a haunted house. What a fun way to finish off the day!
Sam, Jorja, Mitchell
 Madison, Jorja, Mitchell
 Jorja, Gabe, Sam, Madison, Jared
Mitchell & Jorja
Jorja came home really late, way past curfew, but at least she had gotten permission before the event. Stockton and I were in the piano room when she came home. We talked for quite awhile and went to bed late, late, late. I'm exhausted, I think I'll sleep for a week! I sure do love this girl with all of my heart. I'm glad my children love each other. It made me so happy that Maysen and Stockton drove a couple of hours to be here for Jorja, even when they knew she would be caught up with friends. I hope my children will always remain this close. I hope they marry spouses who get along with each other. I pray for my children's future spouses all the time.....

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