Thursday, October 25, 2018

Kiki and Quacky Chan

I forgot to look at Mike's phone before posting yesterday. That post took me forever, so I decided to put his pictures on this post. Here is his view of the kids coming home from school. I hope the video works because I thought it would be too big. You can see how concerned Jorja was, although when they realized they were getting a gift they immediately knew it was ducks. Haha. They have both picked names for their ducks. Jorja's duck is Kiki and Preston's duck is Quacky Chan.
Jorja teaching her duck to work the phone.
Yesterday Jorja took a nap with her duck.
Jorja gets a ride home from school everyday from a boy named Conner. Lately they have been staying in the driveway and talking for a long time. Sometimes it is thirty minutes, sometimes it is an hour. Preston usually rolls his eyes when he sees them as he comes home from school. Today we had a play to go to. It started at 4:00 and I wanted to leave by 3:30. I did not trust Jorja to remember how early we needed to leave. So, Preston and I went out to the car with the ducks. We handed Jorja her duck and left them to play with Kiki. As I walked away I told Jorja she had ten minutes before we needed to be leaving. Jorja said Conner was afraid of the duck. It climbed up him to his neck and he said it felt like spiders. Now whenever the ducks climb on me I keep thinking about how much they do feel like spiders. It is kind of creepy.

Jorja, Preston and I made it to the play just in time. Mike was a few minutes late. He came straight from work. We had front row seats, which was fun, but it was hard to see behind the couch. Especially the refrigerator and the table. I'll have to remember that for next time. I loved the play. I think the kids enjoyed it too. Mike said it was exactly like the movie, so it was kind of boring for him because he knew what would happen. I like it when things are the same, so that didn't bother me at all. I was able to see this play with both casts. That was pretty cool.
Wait Until Dark set
 Jorja & Preston
We went to Leatherbys after the play to celebrate Jorja's birthday. Then we dropped her off at Riley's house to make their tie-dyed shirts for the dance. Yep, last day of grounding ending strong! It actually worked out well because we dropped Jorja off and then went to Hailey's house. Hailey's parents taught us how to use their cotton candy machine for Jorja's surprise party tomorrow. Although when we came home there was a truck in our driveway. It was Riley dropping Jorja off. Whoops. We were a few minutes too slow. Jorja didn't ask us too many questions, so I think we got away with it.
Riley & Jorja
Jorja spent the rest of the night finishing up these online driving tests you need to have completed before you can get your license. The ducks helped her with that.
Jorja's vlog
Jorja, Kiki and Quacky Chan
Are the ducks doing the work while Jorja does Snapchat?
This video is my favorite
Jorja was such a spaz tonight. I was tucking in Preston when she would keep bursting into his room telling him this was the last time he would see her when she was 15. She kept dabbing. Preston kept trying to shut his eyes so that would not be the last image of her. I think that girl is pretty excited to be 16. She makes me laugh. She cares so much about what she looks like, but then posts weird pictures of her, on purpose.
She purposely tries to get the most unflattering pictures she can, and then posts them. She is hard to predict. She continued to be a spaz for Mike and I after Preston was asleep. She brings so much joy into our family. I love this girl with all of my heart. I am nervous for the next few years. I hope I can handle her. I hope I protect her the right amount, but don't smother her. I hope I give her good advice. I hope she chooses to trust me. I hope she has so much joy. I hope she loves high school. I hope she realizes just how amazing she is. I hope she can worry less. I hope she makes good decisions. I hope she can apologize when she makes mistakes and I hope she can forgive when she is hurt. I hope she has more happiness than heartache. I hope she chooses to stay close to Heavenly Father. I hope she works hard and I hope she has success beyond her dreams. This girl is amazing. This girl is precious. This girl is full of light and love. She gives all of herself to others, but there is a cost, sometimes she can easily crack. I hope she can find the right balance so she will be able to continue to love with all of her heart, but figure out how to protect herself. It will be an adventure to watch her grow! I'm excited.

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