Tuesday, October 16, 2018

New Glasses

I got to have lunch with Heather and Jordyn today! Lunch with those girls is one of my favorite things! It was so great to see them. We met at Chipotle in Murray, kind of between both of their offices. It's amazing how fast time flies with them. As we were packing up I realized I couldn't find my keys. I looked everywhere. Even around the trash can and I asked at the front. Heather and Jordyn walked with me to the car and helped me look there. Jordyn was looking through the windows and I was looking under the car. That was when Heather pulled my keys out of her bag. Hahaha! She had absentmindedly picked them up off the table and put them in her purse. I'm so glad she didn't drive off with them!

I finally got around to taking Jorja to get glasses. Her old glasses are kind of broken and the prescription is really wrong. She has been wearing daily contacts, which she loves. The only problem is her eyes start to hurt at the end of the day. It would be so nice for her to be able to take them out and still see. Also, if she had glasses she wouldn't need to wear her contacts every day. She picked out some giant frames. I hope she likes them.
 Jorja's new glasses
 This picture of Olivia hugging Jorja makes me laugh.
Jorja made it to young women today, which is where this picture was taken. I'm glad she is feeling more comfortable with the other girls in the ward. Everyone sure adores her, it's weird that she isn't aware of that.

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