Wednesday, October 17, 2018


Sometimes I get behind on my blog because life is crazy busy. Sometimes I get behind because we are on vacation and I can't get to a computer. Sometimes I get behind because the amount of pictures I have taken overwhelms me. This time I am behind because of a different reason. This time I was so mad I was worried I would write something I would regret. It is now a week later and I think I have calmed down sufficiently to write this post.

I agreed to let Jorja go to the last regular season football game. She had to work until 6:45 and the game started at 7:00. Conner picked her up from work and took her to the game. They were there long after the game, until around 10:30 cleaning up. This wasn't unexpected. I had gotten up around 4:30 in the morning for my exercise class and was having a hard time staying awake waiting for her. Sometimes I lay down and fall asleep, waking up every ten to twenty minutes or so. It definitely isn't restful when she isn't home. I know I worry, but it's just who I am. I had fallen asleep and was woken by a phone call at 10:30. It was Jorja. She asked if it would be okay for her to go to Ellie's house. I think that was her name. Whoever it was I think she is in student government. It was her birthday. Jorja wanted to stop by and say hi with some other people, she wouldn't be long. Well, I wasn't thinking straight since I just woke up. I should have told her that she was grounded and couldn't go. Instead I said it was okay and to not stay out too long. Her dad was getting up at 4:00 in the morning to go work at the temple. She agreed. She did not follow through. Her phone had died so I had no way of getting ahold of her. She came back at 1:09 in the morning. 1:09! What the heck was she thinking! I was waiting on the porch for her when she arrived. I had been out there in bare feet with a blanket wrapped around me for 45 minutes. Praying, praying, praying that she was okay. It was awful. She claimed that she didn't know she had a curfew. WHAT????? Are you kidding????? Even if that was the case, which it definitely wasn't, use common sense! You are still grounded! You said you would be just a few minutes! How is 1:09 in the morning in any way acceptable???? I talked/argued/yelled with/at her until 2:00 in the morning. This girl is driving me crazy.

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