Monday, November 26, 2018


I was running really fast on the treadmill today. Pumping my arms so I wouldn't fall. Well, I ended up jamming my left hand into the side of the treadmill. It hurt so bad! It has hurt all day long. Kind of hard to bend. I'm sure it's not broken, but I think it's pretty bruised.

Jorja texted me after lunch. She wasn't feeling well. I ended up checking her out of school. We came home and got in my bed to watch a movie. Except Jorja wanted to watch a boring cooking show. We both fell asleep through it. At least Jorja got a couple of hours of sleep. She felt much better when I woke her up. She had work today. She drove her bug. After work she went on a little adventure. She was looking for a black jacket she can wear to work because it is getting colder. They have jackets the employees can wear, they are all just too big for her.
I pulled Jorja's car into the garage after she got home. I took a picture of her milage. Haha!
I took Preston to diving today. On the way home we stopped at 7-11. Preston got pizza and a drink. I got four Snickers. Two of them are fiery, two of them are normal. When Mike got home he helped me switch the Snickers. I opened the package super careful, then slid the fiery one inside the plain wrapper. It was difficult because the fiery one is fatter and shorter than the regular one. Once I got it in, Mike helped me reseal it. It doesn't look perfect, but I'm hoping it won't be obvious that we tampered with it. I put it in Jorja's backpack. I told her to give it to someone at school. She told me I was much too excited for this. Haha. The little things I do to entertain myself.

Jorja and I watched a TED talk in the guest room. It was a Brene Brown talk called The Power of Vulnerability. It was really good. That is what we were doing when Mike came home. He got home close to 10:00. Cyber Monday is kind of a big deal where he works. He texted me around 9:00 and said they were still at their peak. The site ( was bringing in $609 per second. That's crazy! Anyway, he survived this weekend with no outages or problems. Nicely done!

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