Sunday, November 25, 2018

Oh Christmas Tree

Mike and I went early to church to meet with the bishop. He released Mike from being Ward Mission Leader. They are going to have that calling go through the Elders Quorum presidency. Mike wasn't too disappointed with this. I taught my lesson today. I changed everything this morning. I ended up teaching about financial self reliance. It went really well. Preston taught a lesson in the deacon quorum today. Mike and Stockton came and helped. They were talking about things you needed to learn how to do for yourself once you move out. Preston had Stockton talk about all the things he does for himself now that used to be done by others. Mike said the lesson went really well. After church we had tithing settlement. Audrey came with us. Everything went well there.

We decorated the tree today. The last few years we haven't gotten our tree up early at all. Maysen hasn't come home for Thanksgiving the other two years and we didn't want to do it without her. It was so great to have both Maysen and Stockton home this time! I couldn't find our Tweety Bird angel that we always have on top of the tree. Maysen said, "Good! I hate that thing." What? How did I not know that. Maysen claims she tells me that every year. We bought that in a toy store when we were visiting Washington to decide if we should move there. It's probably time for a change.
 Maysen & Stockton
 Jorja didn't last too long decorating. She was more interested in her duck.
 Mike, Preston, Stockton, Stephanie, Maysen, Jorja
 Stockton, Stephanie, Maysen
 Stephanie & Jorja
 Jorja was having the ducks guess which hand the mealworms were in.
Maysen and Stockton left while Mike was changing the duck diapers and Jorja was asleep. Both of them were disappointed that they didn't get to say goodbye. I checked the gas in the van and realized it would need to be filled. Stockton drove Jorja's bug down to the gas station and I drove the van. I filled up both of the cars for the kids. Maysen and Stockton took off from there and I drove Jorja's bug home.

Jorja wanted to practice driving her bug to Chick-Fil-A. I went with her. She did a fantastic job. She didn't kill it once. She even stopped on a hill at a light. The light was green, but she wanted practice starting there. With no cars behind us it was a perfect time. She did great. Once we got back to our neighborhood she drove around it for awhile, venturing down streets that we rarely go down. Lots of steep hills and lots of driveways that we are so glad we don't have to deal with in the winter. Finally it was time to go home. I told Jorja to turn to try and go in the garage. We have a side garage and it isn't the easiest to park in. The garage door opener is in the other car, so I was planning on having her angle it for me, then I would manually open the door and help her get in. As she was turning super slow I knew she didn't have enough room. I yelled, "Don't hit the Pilot! Don't hit the Pilot! Don't hit the Pilot!" She laughed and said, "Mom! I'm not going to hit the Pilot!" Half a second later she hit the Pilot. I was not happy. Why didn't she believe me? She said that I freak out all the time when she drives, so she just ignores me. I pointed out that I didn't freak out once on this trip, so she should have taken me seriously. She said she really didn't think she was going to hit it. I told her I was 100% positive she was going to. This is how life is with Jorja. I can see a problem coming a mile away. I try and warn her, but she thinks she is fine. I am not surprised when things come crashing down. I guess we are all like that to an extent. The Holy Ghost will warn us but we assume we know better. Anyway, this is the damage to our cars. Mike told Jorja he was glad it was our car and not someone elses. Hopefully she will be much more careful in the future.
Maysen and Stockton made it back to Logan safely. Stockton had a seriously awkward experience when he got back. His roommate has a buddy that is always over. That guy is going to take Stockton's place next semester and has started to make himself at home. When Stockton got home the guy was asleep on the floor of Stockton's bedroom. A few minutes later Stockton started texting us. "Kyler, the friend, and the friend's girlfriend are now all in our bedroom watching a movie in pitch black as I'm writing the blog I am very nice." "I don't want to look behind me but I am 100% sure they are kissing. And they're loud." "THEY HAVE NO SHAME" "Sorry I'm not soft enough" "Yes you are" kiss "I'll eat your neck" "Stop licking my face!" Stockton was trying to put away his laundry while this nonsense was going on. I asked if the two were on the floor. Nope. All THREE were on Kyler's bed! Stockton thought they were done, but they came back twenty minutes later. He had to try and sleep through that. How awkward. I hope he talks to Kyler about it. I don't think he wants another night like that one!

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