Saturday, November 24, 2018

Season 3 Episode 1

Today was the first snow of the season. I'm glad I live in an area that gets snow every year. I remember Mike made a video of us doing different things years ago. Visiting Thomas the Tank Engine in North or South Carolina was there. Sledding at the cabin was there. For some reason Mrs. Spitler wanted Stockton's kindergarten class to see it. She said the kids were going nuts when they saw the sledding. Many of them had never even seen snow. That is so sad!

Jorja drove down to Katlyn's house this morning. I was shocked. They haven't hung out together in two years. She spent all day with her, until it was time to go to work at 5. I think they had a great time together. This makes me happy.
Jorja & Katlyn
It was funny because Katlyn has an orange hat exactly the same as the hats Jorja and Hailey bought yesterday. Those three used to always be together. I guess they still think kind of the same.
Katlyn & Jorja
Stockton left around the same time as Jorja. He picked up Gavin and his little sister Zoe and they headed down to the hot springs in Soda Springs. Gavin was thinking that would be a fun day date activity for the Christmas dance, so he wanted to check it out. Stockton said it was a lot of fun. Stockton ended up staying late at Gavin's house. He didn't get back until after Jorja.

Mike wanted to see if the ducks could get along now that they have been in the same area for awhile with the gate. Mike and Preston rigged up Maysen's old phone and had it on FaceTime so they could watch the ducks while they were playing Mario downstairs. After awhile both of them came running upstairs. They heard a lot of quacking and the phone was knocked over. Waddluigi had a giant chunk of fur in his beak. About the size of a piece of bread. That is not good. They brought in Quacky Chan and Kiki to spend the rest of the day inside. Quacky Chan was the unlucky duck. Come on Waddluigi! Just be nice to the other ducks. I don't want to deal with them inside every day! They are smelly! Plus, I am not an animal fan. I am not going to change a duck diaper. I barely can handle touching the ducks.

Jorja met Drew after work to go with him as he asked Hailey to the Christmas dance. I love Drew and I love Hailey, so I'm super excited about this. Jorja is too. Drew asked Hailey what her favorite show was. It is Stranger Things. Drew made this to ask her. Perfect.
Drew's mom drove them to Hailey's house. No one answered the door. Jorja called Hailey. She didn't answer. Jorja called Hailey's mom and asked if she was home. They were downstairs watching the football game, but Hailey wasn't home. Jorja told her to go look on the porch. Her mom came outside and took a picture of the poster and then waved to Jorja and Drew's mom. Drew was hiding in the car because he was embarrassed. It takes a lot to embarrass Drew, so that made me laugh. Jorja is kind of hoping that somehow Drew and Hailey will end up in her dance group. She'll have fun either way, just it would be extra fun with them.

I enjoyed watching the first half of the BYU/Utah game. It was awesome! BYU was winning 20-0 at halftime. I did not expect them to win the game, so my brothers and I were shocked at this score. BYU was playing awesome! Too bad BYU always chokes at the end. They ended up blowing the lead and Utah won. I was prepared for BYU to lose, but they had to get our hopes up to make it hurt.
Stockton and Jorja left on a late night adventure. I know they went to Krispy Kreme and it was closed. They drove around for a long time. I'm glad they are so close. Jorja did get a weird phone call while they were driving. One of her friends in student government wanted her to come over so she could give a boy his first kiss. She kept pressuring Jorja. Jorja said something like she would, but she was trying not to kiss boys she doesn't like anymore. I think her answer bothered Stockton. I'm guessing he thought she should have just said, "No! That's crazy!" I also think it made Jorja sad to realize a lot of her friends were hanging out together and she wasn't invited. Unless she came to kiss someone. Anyway, Jorja came home pretty sad.
Jorja & Stockton
Not the best way to end an evening. BYU lost, Utah State lost and Jorja was sad. I spent the next hour or so with Jorja until she was ready to sleep. I sure love my little family. I'm always amazed at how bad it hurts me to watch them hurting. Hopefully Jorja will be able to figure things out and be at peace again. Growing up is hard.

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