Friday, November 23, 2018

Black Friday

Today was a looooong day for Mike. He said it was pretty boring, which meant things went really well. Jorja wanted to go Black Friday shopping. That is one of my least favorite things to do. Ever. Shopping and crowds. But.....I love my Porge. She said she had ever been and really wanted to go. She drove the Pilot and we picked up Hailey and Emily. Our first stop was Plato's Closet. I hate this store. Jorja loves it. They were handing out raffle tickets when we walked in. They gave one to each of the girls. When I walked in they looked at me strange and asked if I really wanted one. Of course I did! If I was going to be stuck in the store, I might as well have a chance to win a prize! Maybe they could sense my loathing of Black Friday shopping. I managed to keep up with Jorja for about three seconds before I was bored. I went and found a corner to sit in. I took that time to read my dad's blog. I didn't realize Brett was going to Israel with my dad. I knew he was thinking about it, but it still surprised me when I got a text saying he was on his way to the airport. Dang it! I really wanted to go with him! I wouldn't have gone this year though. I wouldn't miss these last few days with Stockton for anything. Anyway, while I was sitting on the floor they did a drawing . . . and I won! I won a $25 gift certificate to the store. I handed it over to Jorja and she took care of that right away. Jorja and Hailey both bought these hats. They wore them all day and looked adorable. Hailey loves red as much as Jorja loves yellow.
Hailey & Jorja
We left Plato's Closet and Jorja drove to Fashion Place Mall. On the freeway and everything. She did a really good job. I let the girls out while I found some parking. It was horribly crowded. Why does anyone do this?

I had to take a picture of these hamburger socks. I was tempted to buy them for Preston. He had hamburger underwear awhile ago and HATED them! He would complain about them all the time. It was so funny! Probably because he would crack everyone up at his descriptions.
 Duck sweater I was tempted to get Mike
Until I saw the $150 price tag!
Jorja made a snapchat account for me awhile ago. We have had fun with that. I only have two friends. Jorja and Hailey. I like it like that. Unless any of my other kids played with that app. Anyway, I rarely send anything to Hailey. While she was shopping with Jorja I took a picture of her and said, "This is you." She sent me one back later. Haha.
I think the girls had fun. The lines were long, but it wasn't too bad. Except in the Pacsun store. Jorja found some pants she wanted. They were having a buy one get one free sale. She loved the pants but the line was over an hour long. She decided to buy them online. When she got home from work she found out that they didn't have her size online. She bought one size up. Hopefully that works out for her. The size she wanted was a 22 and she bought a 23. We found some great things for Jorja. I had wanted to get her overalls for Christmas. She is thinking of doing a farmer campaign. Overalls are in style right now and we found some cute ones for her. The yellow flannel shirt we got to go with it is adorable. We got her two sweaters and a new shirt. She did well.
Emily, Hailey, Jorja
 Jorja, Hailey, Emily
Getting out of the mall was worse than parking! I drove on the way home so Jorja wouldn't have to deal with that. We stopped at Red Robin on the way home. Jorja bought me lunch. It was funny that we were buying food when we have so much in our fridge at home! Oh well. We did find out that you can ask for any of their burgers to be petite. It was the perfect size and a couple of dollars cheaper. Nice.
Emily, Jorja, Hailey
Stockton was back when we got home. He had a date with a girl named Britton that goes to Alta. They went on a hike up by Dani's house. He seemed to have a good time, and the date was free. Gavin has been going on lots of dates now that he is 16. Gavin told him that dating was just paying to have a girl hang out with you. Hahahaha! Jorja left for work and Stockton went down to Gavin's again. Jorja drove her bug by herself and did great! She didn't kill it once! She was completely exhausted when she got home though. Long day. She also agreed to take Madison's shift tomorrow. I'm glad she enjoys her job. Mike, Maysen, Jorja and Preston all played Mario Party. Maysen ended up winning because of bonus stars, much to Preston's chagrin. Stockton got home a little before midnight. He hung out with Gavin and Gillian. Gillian started diving at the U a few months before Stockton finished I think. That's about it. Black Friday was uneventful for Mike, which is good. He got home about 7:00 which is pretty early for a Black Friday. He is also on call this week, so fingers crossed everything runs smoothly!

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