Saturday, November 17, 2018

James and the Giant Peach

I woke up Jorja this morning, much to her delight. I wanted her to have enough time to do chores. While I was waiting for her to awake I looked through her phone. I read her conversation with Stockton. For some reason it cracked me up. She told him she was taking her makeup off. Stockton replied, "It's a makedown." I couldn't stop laughing. I don't know why, but it was so funny to me. Jorja took the phone away and texted Stockton about it. He wrote back, "Stephanie's log - Day 91 of Stockton at college: Mom's sadness has evolved into something much worse: boredom. Her sense of humor is weakening. Even the most mundane things are now funny. The days until Thanksgiving are few, but who knows if her sanity will remain intact" Hahahaha! Oh man! How did they expect me to stop laughing now?
Mike brought the ducks inside today. Their diapers are working great.
 Jorja misspelled 'quack'
Jorja's friend Lily came over this afternoon. They played with ducks. Then the three of us went to Taco Bell. Jorja was driving her bug. She turned right at the four way stop when she should have turned left. I did tell her to turn right, but I meant left. Anyway, she stalled the car four times in the intersection. Luckily she didn't panic. Finally she realized she had it in second gear instead of first. We found a street to turn around in. Jorja asked if I could drive the rest of the way because we were on a time crunch. We picked up some tacos and then went to the school musical.
Lily & Jorja
 Lily, Jorja, Stephanie
I tried to like the musical, I really did. Didn't work. I kept falling asleep. That is not unusual, I fall asleep in movies all the time. I just didn't like the play. I didn't like the movie either. The story is just so weird. Jorja loved seeing all of her friends though. That was really fun for her.
 Gavin & Jorja
 Gavin was a seagull ~ everyone on the ballroom team was

 Jorja & Sami

We dropped Lily off home and then I had Jorja drive the rest of the way. She did great until we had to turn by the fire station. For some reason she freaked herself out. She wasn't starting on a hill, but the hill nearby terrified her. Plus there was a car behind us. She started panicking. Her breathing started going out of control, she kept repeating, "I can't do this! I can't do this!" in a high pitched voice. I was worried she would keep spiraling. But she didn't. She got herself under control and did a perfect turn. She has done so much better at controlling her panic attacks. Now to get it under control when she was driving a stick, which already is out of her comfort zone. I am so proud of her.

While I was at the play, Mike spent the time taking down the fence that connects the two duck ponds. It is sure a lot more open now than it used to be! I think Waddluigi and Quackletta are going to love it. The small duck pond is their favorite.

Jorja drove the pilot down to work. This is the first time I have sent her by herself. She was so happy! Mike and I drove Jorja's bug to the Maxfield wedding. That was a long way away! Only a half an hour, but it seemed longer. It was nice though. Mike and I had a great time. We talked to the Dale and Catherine Johnson and Jacqui Scott in the line. That was fun. We sat next to Zane and Heidi Christensen. Ava was with them. I hadn't talked to Heidi in a long time. I mentioned to her that Hadley Kate told Jorja she needed to kiss a lot of boys so she could learn how to be a good kisser. That is what she learned from her! Kids these days.....

We stopped at Walmart on the way up to pick up my prescription. Mike picked up these duck beds while we were there. He was so excited to try them out.
Kiki & Quacky Chan
 They prefer to share right now
 Preston loved it
 He begged Mike to let the ducks sleep next to him.
That didn't last very long. I think they weren't a fan of the dark.
We brought them upstairs where they hung out until Jorja FINALLY got home! She worked until closing and they got out later than usual today. Mike tried to clip Kiki's nails so she would stop scratching Jorja. He did one clip and Kiki freaked out! Mike was worried he was hurting her, so he stopped. We will have to figure out how to file those things down because Jorja gets more and more scratched up every day.

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