Sunday, November 18, 2018

Preston Passed, Amy Blessed, Ten Years

I have a hard time sleeping. I hate it. I wake up at 4:00 or 5:00 every morning. Even if my eyes sting so bad because I am super tired, I can not get back to sleep. If I stay in bed my back hurts me the rest of the day. Today was no different. I was up by 4:30. I decided to use the time to cut out the flyers we needed to hand out at church today. I couldn't find my cutter tool, but I had plenty of time. I just used scissors. It got the job done. I got Jorja up early than she would have liked to make the Christmas poster. It turned out sooooo cute. Too bad I didn't take a picture. Preston and I went to church early so I could get the flyers there and he could be taught how to pass the sacrament. Audrey came with Jorja and Mike. I didn't know she was in town and was so surprised and happy to see her! So cool she could be here for Preston's first time passing the sacrament! I tried to be sneaky and get a picture of Preston. Too bad Matthew turned in front of him right as I snapped it. Jorja laughed and laughed about that. You can see Preston's leg though. Preston passed to us. I loved it!
Matthew & Preston's leg
I did better the next time, but I wasn't as sneaky. At least my phone doesn't make loud clicking noises when I am taking pictures. That is what Jorja's phone does. Sister Nunes told me that she and her husband were watching us watch Preston. She said it was so cute because our entire bench had the biggest grins on our faces. We love him. I can't believe he's twelve!
 Jorja & Mike ~ no idea what Jorja is doing here
Sam texted me while we were at church and asked if her mom would be able to lay down in the guest room after church. We are having dinner with our family and Sam's family at my house. Jorja has been sleeping in the guest room for awhile now. Mike and Jorja went home during Sunday school to straighten up the house. Jorja got the guest room taken care of and Mike did the kitchen. Jorja came back for young women. I wanted Jorja to be there with Audrey. She drove Audrey and me home in her bug and did a fantastic job.

We had a few minutes to breathe before we headed down to my dad's church. Jorja drove her bug again. We sat next to Bubs and Ange. Too bad Stockton wasn't here, he would have been able to be in the circle to bless Amy. He would have LOVED that. Mike told me that as soon as the blessing was over he was walking out. Matt gave Amy a sweet blessing. She is adorable.

Bubs and Ange and their kids came over after sacrament meeting. Everyone else stayed for all three hours. We were able to hang out with Bubs' family before tons of people came, so that worked out well. We had a Sloppy Joe Thanksgiving. It is my family's year for Thanksgiving, but it isn't going to work out. We are calling tonight good enough. Sam had her family come up too. There are a lot of them. Lots came from Idaho, so that was super nice.
Jorja brought the ducks in. Greg was a huge fan! He kept following the ducks around. His grandma was teasing him about being terrified of dogs, but the duck was just fine. Quacky Chan came over and played with Jeff. Jeff thought that was the coolest thing ever!
Greg, Jeff, Quacky Chan
 Jorja added more scratches to her collection
 Stephanie & Amy
 Anne gave this note to Jorja
We read scriptures with the ducks after everyone left. The ducks joined us. ~ Jorja & Kiki
 Why Jorja has scratches.
Today is the tenth anniversary of my blog. I have written everyday for ten years. I can not believe I have lasted this long. Granted, I get behind and have to play catch up often. Still. I hope my kids love this. I really want to get this printed out because I don't want to lose this. When you go back to the old ones sometimes the format has changed and it looks weird. Anyway, I'm glad I have done this. I wish I had this record for all of my kids. Preston has such a good record for all of his life. I wish my other kids had that. I have loved every second with these kids. They are the best.

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