Saturday, December 15, 2018

Aloha! My Family is Back!

Today was a great day. Mike and I drove up to Logan early this morning. We helped Stockton move out of his apartment. That's it. No more school for him for about two and a half years. He is going to miss his roommate Nathanael. I think Nathanael is going to miss Stockton. After we got Stockton completely checked out we went to Pizza Pie Cafe and stuffed ourselves silly. Maysen didn't want to come. We drove to her apartment after though. Maysen was easier because she is coming back in a few weeks. We helped her with a few odds and ends before we headed out. Mike and Maysen drove the van home. Stockton and I drove the Pilot home. We talked all the way home. That was my favorite thing about diving. When we would drive up to Provo, Stockton would talk to me. It was the best. We were all quite exhausted when we got home. Jorja was getting ready for a date. The Christmas dance was tonight. I am so glad she was healthy enough to go. She had to be really careful about her spleen. The doctors had warned her she couldn't do any physical activity for six weeks after her symptoms went away or her spleen could rupture, and she wouldn't want that. I told her she couldn't go in the mosh pit, especially the student government one at the end. Luckily their group was planning on leaving the dance early, so Jorja wouldn't be tempted with that.
Maysen & Stockton
Jorja's date is named Lucas. Hopefully he didn't mind all the suitcases in our front room. Jorja had a great time. They went miniature golfing, Costa Vita, Draper Park, the dance, the watched Elf at Movies 9. Jorja said she behaved herself for the most part with the physical activity. One time she jumped on Drew's back (Hailey's date) to surprise him and he took off into the mosh pit. I think she got him to get her out of there pretty quickly though. Jorja said they had to leave the dance right as it was getting good, so that was too bad. Although, I'm thinking it was a good thing. In Jorja's mind the dance getting good means it is getting crazier. That wouldn't be a good thing for her right now.
Lucas & Jorja
 The dance was Hawaiian themed, they changed into their Hawaiian clothes after dinner.
Stockton, Jorja and I stayed up late, late, late. Tomorrow is going to be a long day. I am so excited to have my entire family with me for the next few weeks! My friend Cheri had a very happy day too. Her daughter returned from serving a mission in Taiwan. Cheri is my friend in Washington, the one that each of our kids have a match. Emily is Maysen's match, and now she is home! Cheri sent me this picture and it made this awesome day even better. I can't wait until this is me!
Chris, Carter on FaceTime (he still has finals at BYU), Cheri, Emily, Lily, Aiden

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